[Haruka Megumi, Megumi Haruka] [GEXP-82] Heroine punishes her enemy/a masochistic man – Rose C’est La Vie – 2012/08/24

Starring: Megumi Haruka

Video Director: Takashi Mutsuki

JAV Video ID: GEXP-82

Release Date: 2012/08/24

Total Duration: 85 min

Glanz is a big cosmetics company, a household name all over the world, but no one knows its deepest secret. The company’s female president Mirei Hojo secretly moonlights as Rose C’est La Vie, evil-fighting heroine punishing sex offenders who target women. But Mirei starts feeling the limits of her own power, when she is ridiculed by the enemy calling her ‘Wimpy C’est La Vie.’ … However, because of her weak body, sweaty costume and panting voice, Mirei manages to win the battle unexpectedly against the male combatant who gets curious and lowers his guard. From that day on she has been in a great dilemma: ‘I have been making a point of not forgetting gracefulness as a woman during the battle, but now I have to use my own sexual charms…. What a shame!’ But she knows what she has to do. Justice must win, and without winning what is the point of being a fighter of justice? Rose C’est La Vie determines to fight using her beauty as her weapons. Now she becomes a new heroine seducing the male enemies with her deadly kisses. Her moves include sitting on and spanking enemy soldiers; giving a handjob; stimulating the erect penis between her hips; stamping in the face; and foot-stepping ejaculation. Finally the time arrives for her to fight the enemy mastermind Karasu. During her confrontation with Karasu, Rose C’est La Vie continues to shake her hips, trying to make him cum inside her. And she ends up … becoming a horny bitch frequenting the street every night!? What will become of Rose C’est La Vie!?

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[コスチューム, 友田彩也香] [GTRL-03] 新星戦隊リュウセイジャー 3 ホワイト・凌辱編 – 2013/02/22

Starring: 友田彩也香

Video Director: 羹灼

JAV Video ID: GTRL-03

Release Date: 2013/02/22

Total Duration: 120 min

ピンクは再起不能となり、ブルーはエキスの源として売り飛ばされ、残りたった三人となってしまったリュウセイジャー。だが、暗黒船団ブラックホールは地球を襲う手を休めはしない!三人の戦いで苦戦を強いられるリュウセイジャーであったが、その時一筋の白い光が彼らを救った。その光の正体はリュウセイホワイト。彼女は単独戦闘用に開発された白いスーツをまとい戦闘員を蹴散らしていく。銀河中に散り散りとなった惑星マリーナの同胞をすくう為宇宙を駆け回るホワイトは売り飛ばされたブルーを救出し、5人でブラックホールに立ち向かうため自らが囮となり敵の内部に潜入する。だが、ブラックホールの策士・オクトパス博士も純血のマリーナ星人であるホワイトを調教し、より高値で売り飛ばそうと執拗にそして陰湿に凌辱していく。自らの体を張った作戦により、ブルーの居場所を突き止めたホワイトであったが仲間への通信がシャーク将軍にばれてしまう。仲間を、そして地球を救うためたった一人でシャーク将軍に立ち向かうリュウセイホワイト。だが、圧倒的な力の差に打ちのめされ、暴力的に犯されていく・・・。果たしてリュウセイジャーはブラックホールを倒すことができるのか?リュウセイジャー三部作ついにクライマックス!!![HAPPY END・・・?] 

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[Aiha Miu, Miu Aiba] [GEXP-81] Making an Adorable Heroine Your Slave – 2012/08/24

Starring: Miu Aiba

Video Director: Taro Musashino

JAV Video ID: GEXP-81

Release Date: 2012/08/24

Total Duration: 123 min

Today, thanks to Three Rangers, the terror of Dark Complex has again been foiled. But, Futoshi is depressed because he has made a mistake during the fight. Asuka’s compassion and encouragement ease his mind. Yes, Futoshi has a crush on Asuka. He, without being able to suppress his feelings, now confesses to Asuka, who, however, thinks of Futoshi only as a companion and tells him so in no subtle way! Disheartened, Futoshi tries to maintain his calm. But, failing to kick her out of his mind, Futoshi sets out to do perverse acts to Asuka. His perverse affection turns to hatred, and he steels her fighting suit and used panty hose from her locker and starts jerking off… At that time, in the hideout of Dark Complex, General Death God has been at work, planning to deal with Three Rangers. Specter Golbazer appears before General Death God and proposes an idea. He tells that he has planted a spy satellite to chase after Futoshi, which satellite sends out information about Futoshi’s perverse affection. The idea is to destroy Three Rangers from inside by using Futoshi. Golbazer approaches Futoshi and shows him some photos of himself using Asuka’s private items to jerk off by, asking ’Don’t you want to enslave Asuka actually and make her do whatever you wish, not in delusion?’ Fighting, but finally giving in, Futoshi puts chloroform on Asuka to kidnap her and brainwash her in Dark Complex’s hideout. He succeeds in turning Asuka into a lowly maid to serve him as he pleases. What will happen to Three Rangers… and Asuka… [Bad ending]

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[Sumire, Sumire(百合野もも)] [GTRL-02] 新星戦隊リュウセイジャー 2 ブルー・レズ凌辱編 – 2013/02/22

Starring: Sumire(百合野もも)

Video Director: 羹灼

JAV Video ID: GTRL-02

Release Date: 2013/02/22

Total Duration: 134 min

暗黒船団ブラックホールにつかまったリュウセイピンクは見せしめとして瀕死の状態で地上に送り返され、もう二度と闘うことはできなくなってしまった。4人になったリュウセイジャーであったが敵は地球侵攻を待ってはくれない。立ち向かうリュウセイジャーたちの前にシャーク将軍とブラックホールの新たな幹部セイレーン、そして彼女のペットである怪人バーバリアンが現れる!セイレーンに見初められたブルーはバーバリアンとの戦いで不思議な笛の音色を聞き混乱する。仲間たちが女である自分に対しいやらしい感情を抱き、性的に責め立ててくる夢を見るブルーは基地を飛び出してしまう。しかし、それはセイレーンの吹いた笛の音の効果だったのだ!一人になったブルーを追い詰めるセイレーンとバーバリアン。ブルーは捕獲され、マリーナ星の女性が持つエキスを排出する源としてセイレーンに調教されてしまう!セイレーンの凌辱は女ならではの的確な責めで、ブルーが体の自由がきかないのをいいことにゆっくりとそして執拗に追い詰めていく。そしてセイレーンの隆起する股間から出てきたもの、それは男性器であった!そう、セイレーンはふたなりだったのだ!ピンクに続きブルーまでも失ってしまうのか?!どうする!?リュウセイジャー![BAD END]

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[Saionji Reo, Reo Saionji] [GEXP-80] Heroine Completely In Costume Insult – Magnaman – 2012/08/24

Starring: Reo Saionji

Video Director: Unatsuki

JAV Video ID: GEXP-80

Release Date: 2012/08/24

Total Duration: 105 min

Vicious Queen Guesslian just cannot stand the fact that there are more beautiful girls in the world than she is. So, she plans to disgrace Makoto Momoshima, aka Magna Pink, the mighty, beautiful Heroine of justice, and spoil her pretty face. Queen Guesslian, in the meantime, participates in an operation along with Habrusheler, tooth-brush specter. The operation is such that the Specter turns into a human and spreads cavity-causing bacteria among those with pretty faces so they turn ugly. Makoto Momoshima disguises herself and sneaks into the office of a dentist suspected of a fishy ploy. Queen Guesslian and Habrusheler turn up and Makoto Momoshima challenges to beat them, but the poisonous drug she was served at the checkup starts to work and she cannot move. Transformed, she manages to down the fighters but falls down under the influence of the strong poison. Captured, Magna Pink barely gets around to escaping, but… [Bad ending]

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[Asumi Misaki] [GSAD-10] Superheroine Action Wars – Space Force Galaxy Five Pink Phoenix – 2013/01/11

Starring: Asumi Misaki

Video Director: Minooru

JAV Video ID: GSAD-10

Release Date: 2013/01/11

Total Duration: 71 min

Galaxy Five fights against Xeeps the Space Pirate. Captain Bolger’s plan to send the members of the Galaxy Five to an another dimension is almost complete. Pink and Blue are the only ones left who can save the world. But Pink is sent away by the Labyrinth Laser to protect Blue. Pink is sent to another dimension and ninjas attack her. Thanks to the Power Suit, she manages to reduce the damage done by the ninjas, but she is sent to a different world again! Ordinary people are attacking her now! Again, she is sent to a different world where she finds Blue getting attacked by Labyrinth. Labyrinth begins to analyze Pink’s power suit. But now, Bolger shows himself. Pink no longer has enough energy to fight back.

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[Marika Tsutsui, Tsutsui Marika] [GEXP-79] Non-Transforming Heroine Insult – Super-Armed Fighter Makgaizer – 2012/08/24

Starring: Marika Tsutsui

Video Director: Masayoshi Shiki

JAV Video ID: GEXP-79

Release Date: 2012/08/24

Total Duration: 116 min

Altena keeps a peace of the universe as the Super-Costumed Fighter MacGaiser. One day, one atrocious criminal named Cesar escapes from the space prison. However MacGaiser chases down Cesar, and desperately fights against Cesar and succeeds in capturing the criminal. Now she’s enjoying a momentary rest fully. But at such times, Cesar escapes again, makes several earth people hostages, and imposes a bargaining point with the republic to deal with MacGaiser. Altena as MacGaiser knows that it’s a trap, but she goes to rescue the hostages. After a life-threatening battle, she corners Cesar but her partner named Musanga is made hostage, so that she finally goes down Cesar. And then Cesar prepares the most shameful torture on MacGaiser in order to dispel a long-standing grudge. It is a insidious punishment that the earth people in hostage are forced to rape her! Altena as MacGaiser is finally going to request a shameful demand while bearing the enemy’s humiliation…

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[RenAzumi, Azumi Ren] [GSAD-09] SUPER HEROINE Action Wars – Lemurina – 2012/10/12

Starring: RenAzumi

Video Director: Unatsuki

JAV Video ID: GSAD-09

Release Date: 2012/10/12

Total Duration: 69 min

Lemurina is a bounty hunting girl tracking down fugitives with a price on their head, with her trusted partner, an electronic life form Brain Jr. Lemurina has become a bounty hunter because she wanted to be like Emilia, the strongest female bounty hunter she admires. During the course of her professional career, Lemurina has picked up some skills and experience along the way, and now is a formidable hunter herself. She has cornered Galzorg, the last remaining member of the Gemdarl clan trying to dominate the entire galaxy. Lemurina almost wins the fight with Galzorg, but when she is interrupted by his henchmen, Galzorg escapes. Now that he is in his safe place, Galzorg offers a job of assassinating Lemurina to the ‘killing machine’ Pascal. Pascal confronts Lemurina, who has just finished fighting with her target. As it turns out, Pascal is a much stronger enemy than anyone Lemurina fought before. This is the toughest fight she has ever had, and Lemurina ends up being captured. But what really surprises her is the person who appears before the imprisoned Lemurina. It is an informer ‘Itachi the Weasel,’ who once framed Emilia and raped her. Itachi offers a help to Lemurina, but….

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[Airi Hayasaka, Hayasaka Airi] [GEXP-78] Beautiful Brave People♥ – Illusion Mask & Vehement Mask – 2012/08/24

Starring: Airi Hayasaka, Mio Mikuru, Iori Konno

Video Director: Toru Sakata

JAV Video ID: GEXP-78

Release Date: 2012/08/24

Total Duration: 106 min

Vehement Mask is a heroine fighting with the Satan Academy’s naughty teachers humiliating students. One day an alien from outer space arrives out of the blue, seizing the school’s campus. The alien has traveled far away from the space, looking for one thing it loves most: beautiful girls’ love juice! The school’s president and teachers all surrender and vow their loyalty to the invader with overwhelmingly strong powers…. Vehement Mask attempts to fight back but is defeated, and becomes a prey to the sex-hungry alien. Under the severe domination of this alien, Satan Academy becomes a horrible place where female students are sacrificed to the alien one after another. But one girl student stands up to fight the evil and save the school! Her name is Illusion Mask, warrior of love! She fights the school teachers to save Vehement Mask, but sadly she is no match for the alien…. A virgin girl Illusion Mask is raped by the school’s president, and Illusion Mask, who was once a pure-hearted, beautiful girl, is turned into a horny bitch squirting lots of love juice that the alien loves. In the meanwhile, Vehement Mask also continues to be raped and humiliated by the alien, but finally finds a way to defeat the alien…. Then Vehement Mask sets out to rescue Illusion Mask, but is caught in a trap set by the cunning president. Vehement Mask and Illusion Mask are both subjected to the humiliations of the president and naughty teachers. The screaming voices of two fully naked masked heroines gradually become warm breath of horny girls, and the fear of corporal punishment returns to Satan Academy. The masks of the girls are torn into pieces, and the identities of Vehement Mask and Illusion Mask are exposed in public….

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[Yui Aikawa, Aikawa Yui] [GSAD-08] SUPER HEROINE Action Wars Iron Beautiful Woman Dyna Woman – 2012/09/14

Starring: Yui Aikawa

Video Director: Toru Sakata

JAV Video ID: GSAD-08

Release Date: 2012/09/14

Total Duration: 83 min

A ferocious plan has been under way by the Dark Empire to destroy Tokyo metropolis… Iron-armed beauty Dyna Woman, a team member of Peace Avengers, is now up against the plan! Waving her blond hair, she is going out to crush the vicious conspiracy with her iron arms. But, one boy has stumbled into the battle and he is taken as hostage. Unable to fight back, Dyna Woman gets tortured in the field. She blacks out and is taken to the Empire’s den. The boy turns out to be a son of Dark Empire’s boss. Dyna Woman falls prey to Dark Empire boss, who devours her body and implants the guided aphrodisiac device into her cunt. She gets away using her Dyna power. But, due to the device implanted in her, she cannot fight properly. It so happens that her love juice seeps out and shows on her Dyna suit. Dyna Woman gets screwed and feels the pleasure despite her will… And, she is poisoned by the specter but turns the tables to chase after Black Empire boss and his boy… A miserable finale awaits the iron-armed beauty Dyna Woman. [Bad ending]

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