[Nanako Misaki, Ryo Tujimoto] [GDBS-17] G1 Grand Prix 4th Stage – 2012/10/26

Starring: Nozomi Haduki, Yuki Maeda, Rei Mizuna, Uta Kohaku, Mahiro Aine, Ryo Tujimoto, Asuka Misugi, Ichika Aimi, Chika Arimura, Nanako Misaki, Yu Kawakami, Erika Iikura, Aya Sakuraba, Riri Kouda

JAV Video ID: GDBS-17

Release Date: 2012/10/26

Total Duration: 119 min

10 Highlight scenes of the Fourth G1 Grand Prix!

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[Ren Miyamura, Asuka Misugi] [ATHB-38] School Swimsuits VS. Bloomers Battle – 2010/08/27

Starring: Ren Miyamura, Asuka Misugi

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: ATHB-38

Release Date: 2010/08/27

Total Duration: 79 min

A special inside investigator named Koi Himemura (means a lover in a princess village) rescues a sole daughter of the Shiraishi Gang (means a white stone gang), Asuka Shiraishi (means a tomorrow flower on a white stone) just before being killed by the kidnapper, but the special inside investigator Koi is seen by Asuka who pretends to be fainted. Let nobody not catch a sight in the case of duty execution. In case of being seen, the investigators like Koi have a rule to terminate the eyewitness, but Koi takes out compassion and overlooks Asuka on condition that she hasn’t seen Koi. However, the Shiraishi Gang leader, who hears about Koi from Asuka, asks the organization to make Asuka to be a pupil of Koi. As Koi is known to have overlooked by the oeganization, she makes Asuka her pupil as punishment without her will. While such noisily days continue, Haruka Ryuuzaki (means spring scent on dragon cliff), who used to be Koi’s senior investigator and is a criminal lesbian sadist ousted from the organization and fleeing, now returns targeting Koi. Koi’s pupil, Asuka is captured by the lesbian Haruka, and Koi is called. After the lesbian Haruka fully makes funs of Koi who cannot resist, then Haruka dresses Koi with a school swimming costume and dresses Asuka with a pair of school bloomers, and Haruka makes two girls fight and enjoys herself. Well, is it possible for Koi to rescue Asuka and beats Haruka Ryuuzaki even if Koi is being fallen into the trap of Haruka who is fully exposing her abnormal tastes! [HAPPY END]

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[Asuka Misugi] [GATE-11] Naked Heroine 11 Phase : 11 Pure Moon – 2010/04/09

Starring: Asuka Misugi

Video Director: Unatsuki

JAV Video ID: GATE-11

Release Date: 2010/04/09

Total Duration: 83 min

There is not one universe. There are millions. Kai is the leader of the dark syndicate planning to conquer all the multi-universes. In the middle of the fight against the forces of evil, the three girl fighters are trapped in tight spot. Pure Earth persuades Pure Moon to escape with Ranet and Pran, but the universe where they stranded is one of the dark worlds. Pure Moon transforms to fight, but she is caught off guard by the enemy who takes Ranet and Pran hostage. Pure Moon has to endure the enemy’s sexual tortures that seem to never end. Despite herself, however, her body becomes hot and she begins to feel good. Then Garly, younger brother of Gary killed by Melpure, arrives. Garly, nursing his grudge about the death of his brother, gives captured Melpure Moon a private sex training session….{BAD END}

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[Ryo Sena, Sena Misugi] [GPTM-02] Smile! Melpure! – 2010/04/09

Starring: Azusa Kirihara, Arisa Suzuki, Asuka Misugi, Ryo Sena

Video Director: Unatsuki

JAV Video ID: GPTM-02

Release Date: 2010/04/09

Total Duration: 170 min

Ranet and Plun have come from a country of a fairy, and in order to oppose an evil organization which has plotted to conquer all the worlds of many dimensions roughly composed of 10,000 layers, they’ve been looking for legendary brave warriors called ”The Mell-Pure.” And there’re two girls, Asuka and Mizuki. They have awakened to the Mell- Pure in the first place because they have obtained ”the strength and cleanliness of heart” required for the Mell-Pure. They have defended people from the enemy’s magicians, Khai, Bunnark, Gary. They attack people and try to fill ”The Cup of Lamentation” from the negative energy of sadness and unhappiness and so forth. And in these days, the righteous fairy, Plun has a presentiment of an appearance of the 3rd Mell-Pure. In the meantime, Asuka and Mizuki have a day off and go out an event with their common friend named Hina. While Asuka and Mizuki wait for a naturally unconcerned Hina who is being late for oversleeping, one of their foes, Khai appears in the hall and turns the air-conditioning machine into a monster, and makes it attack people. Although two girls transform themselves into the Mell-Pure and fight against the monster, they’re struck down on the ground with the intense wind, and two girls are driven into the deadly pinch… Then, Hina comes there late and encounters with the foes. The foe, Khai directly emits terrific beam toward Hina, but suddenly Hina’s whole body is wrapped with some dazzling light…

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[Asuka Misugi, Ryo Tujimoto] [TGGP-33] 【G1】Forever Living Heroine Domination – 2011/11/11

Starring: Ryo Tujimoto, Asuka Misugi

Video Director: Taro Musashino

JAV Video ID: TGGP-33

Release Date: 2011/11/11

Total Duration: 80 min

As a small child, Ryo has had his parents killed and now lives with a family whose business is to extinguish specters. Ryo has developed talents and grown to spearhead specter clean-up campaigns… One day, she engages in a fierce battle with the specter head of a clan called Water Family, but she gets cursed for immortality. She feels pain but never dies. Immortal body…that’s how she’s been subjected to… The specters never diminish in number however hard she fells them… And she keeps getting assignments, confounding her. She complains to her sister Asuka, who cajoles her somehow… Day after day, Ryo goes out for getting rid of specters. By request, she marches into Gondo’s office, a specter Yakuza, where she gets in a deadly fix but never dies because of the ’immortal’ curse. She succeeds in terminating Gondo and his underlings. With her mission completed, Ryo reports to her sister via cell phone but she gets irritated by her sister not even responding with a ’Well done’. Later, she gets into an argument with her sister for receiving a request directly from a specter and yells emotionally, ’Sis, you want to down specters. Why don’t you do it yourself!’ Realizing how heavily the family has burdened Ryo, Asuka leaves a message and sets out to encounter the specter alone. Learning that the request came from the next boss of Water Family that put the ’immortal’ curse on Ryo, Asuka gets excited with anger and challenges the specter all in vain. Ryo runs after Asuka for help, but Asuka tries to take the specter’s life along with hers… She ends up destroying herself alone, without hurting the specter. With her sister now killed, Ryo goes for revenge, yet the specter is no enemy of Ryo. The specter, now aware that Ryo is the clan head’s foe, starts atrocious revenge… [Bad ending]

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[Asuka Misugi, Michiru Tsukino] [TBB-49] Heroine Suppression Vol.49 – 2010/05/14

Starring: Michiru Tsukino, Asuka Misugi

Video Director: Unatsuki

JAV Video ID: TBB-49

Release Date: 2010/05/14

Total Duration: 60 min

A righteous fighting unit, the Electric-Decorated Fighting Unit named the Giga-Ranger has been fighting against the Evil-Thunder-Kingdom called the Negantis which puts headquarters on a beyond dimension world called the Nega-Dimension. The Giga-Yellow and the Giga-Pink who are the members of the Giga-Ranger usually hide the true characters, and now they disguise themselves as girls’ school students in the general public. The Yellow gives her name as Misato Jounouchi and the Pink gives her name as Mika Imaoka when they don’t transformed themselves into the Giga-Ranger. One day, Misato and Miki catch some information that the Negantis will appear, so they start searching it. However, they cannot get further information about it, and are vexed at it, so mistakenly Mika blurts out about the Negatis in her conversation. Misato hears it and panically shuts her mouth tightly, and draws Mika’s attention to it. But Mika gets angry about how her mistake is strongly abused, and she disputes with Misato about it. Since then, they start acting scatteringly. Misato searches alone but finds combatants, and she is about to contact with Mika about it but she recalls the quarrel and tries to beat the combatants by herself. Misato transforms herself into the Giga-Yellow and beats the combatants. However, one of the members of an evil fighting unit Nega-Ranger produced by the Negatis, who is called the Nega-Yellow appears in front of her. The Yellow is caught in the foe’s trap and is put special handcuffs on her arms. The Giga-Yellow is dragged into the beyond dimension world with the special handcuffs, and she is tormented by the Nega-Yellow and in addition, she becomes the prey of a commander of the Negatis, Dr. Yougum…

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[Azusa Kirihara, Sizuku] [GEXP-23] Wedding Cure – Exchanging Clothes – 2011/09/23

Starring: Sizuku, Azusa Kirihara, Asuka Misugi

Video Director: Unatsuki

JAV Video ID: GEXP-23

Release Date: 2011/09/23

Total Duration: 131 min

The Dark-Magician Lady is repeatedly overcome by overwhelming powers of the Wedding-Cure. But the Dark-Magician Lady gets to know that the costume of the Wedding-Cure has the powers, and finally succeeds in inventing the magic of the darkness which can deprive the costume. And it also becomes highest magic to give quite shame simultaneously to the Wedding-Cure. Then, the Wedding-Cure loses the powers of wedding costume and instead she is put into the Dark-Magician Lady’s indecent costume, and the heroine strikes and shakes the body to shame. Furthermore, the Wedding-Cure is hit by the deadly blow of her own, which is called the White-Serenade, and being attacked by strong pleasant sensation contrary to her good spirit and then she is come repeatedly in front of the enemy. And also the magician girls participate in, and make a plaything of and insult her fully. Well, how will be a fate of the Wedding-Cure…

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