[Chiaki Koizumi] [AZGB-12] Idol Battle Duelist HARU – 2009/07/24

Starring: Chiaki Koizumi

Video Director: Motoharu Takauji

JAV Video ID: AZGB-12

Release Date: 2009/07/24

Total Duration: 67 min

Suddenly one girl calls herself HARU appears in a laboratory of a virtual system developer named Dr. Tokai. HARU requests Dr. Tokai to destroy the Duel-Machine which he has been developing. But Dr. Tokai refuses her request. So she shows him her Duel- Machine on her arms, which is supposed not to be completed. Actually HARU is a messenger comes from the future in order to stop the development of the Duel-Machine. But beside her, also a man calls himself Kouryoku in the Tiger-King Gang appears there. And the virtual battle begins between HARU and Kouryoku. Dr.Tokai sees the battle with the Duel-Machine in front of his eyes, and he admits himself the unbelievable fact. After the battle, Dr. Tokai and his assistant SOLA hear that the Duel-Machine will be made bad use of in the future. So three of them destroy the Duel- Machine that has been developed in the underground laboratory. But even if the future is supposed to be changed by that act, HARU isn’t disappeared from there. In fact unless eliminating the original data, the future won’t be changed. And the virtual battle takes place between the Tiger-King Gang and HARU over the original data. But in the midst of the battle, some secret relationship between HARU and SOLA is going to be cleared. Well, is it possible for HARU to change the future…

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[Natsumi Yoshida, Chiaki Koizumi] [CHKI-01] Gravure Heroine Full Throttle Battle Project W – 2011/02/11

Starring: Chiaki Koizumi, Natsumi Yoshida

Video Director: Motoharu Takauji

JAV Video ID: CHKI-01

Release Date: 2011/02/11

Total Duration: 61 min

Mairi is a lady soldier of the Special-Forces called the Marshall, and she’s been fighting against the secret organization called the Zun-De-Run, and one day she is about to corner the enemy into destructive conditions with one more push, however; she loses so many fellows and she also loses her transformation capability. So Mairi trains the team’s younger generation, Mili and raises her until she can wear and transform with the legendary battle suit named ”The Batlixia.” After a while, Mairi, herself, has a chance to fight against the long-standing enemy, but in the midst of the battle, she’s swallowed by the plant type monster named the Death-Flower controlled by the plant type monster general, Gederoots. Mili tries to rescue such her senior, Mairi, and even though she is not in the state in which she can handle the legendary battle suite, Batlixia, she transforms herself and fights against the enemy. And as anybody guesses, she cannot do anything with Gederoots’ vigorous attack and falls into a pinch. But, luckily, Mairi and Mili are somehow escaped a hairbreadth with help of Director Kurogane(means black iron), and after that, they’re going through the further special training, and try to challenge to the Zun-De-Run again. However, Mairi is captured by the enemy’s trap, and unfortunately, only Mili can do now is to give herself the special training while she hold passion to rescue such Mairi. Then, after a while, Mili ventures into the enemy’s hiding place. But surprisingly, a person who appears in front of Mili is Mari who has obtained the enemy’s hypnotic brainwash, yet Mairi wakes up from the brainwash by a soulful shout of Miri. Geteroots sets attack to Mairi who gets confused and lies low, but a person who stands in the enemy’s way is Mili with the legendary suit, the Battlixia. However, against witchcraft of the head of the Zun-De-Run, Belldam, Miki with the Battleixia falls into a pinch again, losing its transformation. Mairi and Mili are placed in the most deadly pinch and predicament. But they unit their power together and transform themselves with the Battlexia and fight against the enemy.

CLICK TO GET "CHKI01GravureHeroineFullThrottleBattleProjectW20110211.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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