[Mai Mori, Eri Mitsui] [TNI-25] Ninja 25 – 2002/07/12

Starring: Mai Mori, Eri Mitsui

JAV Video ID: TNI-25

Release Date: 2002/07/12

Total Duration: 100 min

Long long time ago, on a faraway planet, Warriors called Blade Masters had kept the peace of planet as the Guardian. However, since when one of the warriors had been charmed by the dark world, the peace went out of order and the long war of the evil Blade Master and the righteous Blade Masters. The evil Blade Master with the dark power were strong, so that the righteous Blade Masters had been killed one by one. Only an old Blade Master and his pupil, a young female Blade Master had survived. The last female Blade Master Eri had been training her pupil Mai to make her the Blade Master. But the evil master, Shadow Ghost had brought Mai into the dark side. Shadow Ghost also won the fight against Eri and torture her to bring her into the dark side. Eri resisted frantically, but also lost the fight against Mai who had gotten the dark power. Mai tortured Eri with lesbian attack. Master Eri finally yielded to the dark pleasure and became lustful.

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[Eri Mitsui] [TMS-04] Perfect Ranger Returns Act 01 – 2005/09/02

Starring: Eri Mitsui

JAV Video ID: TMS-04

Release Date: 2005/09/02

Total Duration: 100 min

The Perfect-Ranger, actually the Ranger-Pink was encountering with the worst and the strongest enemy. That name was the Dark Warrior Perfect-Devil! After the Ranger-Pink had a magnificent fight against the Perfect-Devil, she was completely defeated by that monster… Also Schwarzen Creutz returned to his own evil organization named the Satan-Cross, and he was totally restored. The combatants of the Stan-Cross who had a grudge against the Ranger-Pink insulted her so badly, and at last they raped hell out of her. And also the Perfect-Devil raped the Ranger-Pink and ruined her so bad… Finally in front of the fellows’ eyes, the Ranger-Pink was exposed her shameful and miserable figure that was so far way from ideal image of a warrior for righteousness… Starring: Eri Mitsui (The original from ”EpisodeⅦ of ’Fight! The Blitz Unit Perfect-Ranger’”)

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[Mitsui Eri, Eri Mitsui] [TBB-03] Heroine Suppression Vol.03 – 2005/03/20

Starring: Eri Mitsui

JAV Video ID: TBB-03

Release Date: 2005/03/20

Total Duration: 100 min

Eri, Ranger Pink, who has got a severe torture by Satan Cross, bears a strict training to revenge. The other four rangers put her on a really severe training to make her strong. Thanks to that, Ranger Pink, Eri, succeeds in becoming stronger female warrior. And a new fight begins…! Eri, who has got the confidence as a warrior again, alone infiltrates Satan Cross and beats the enemy, but the other rangers, who helps later, get into the trap and become the hostages… Shwartzencroitz, with rage, tortures Pink. Eri is hit hard again and again and torn apart by an evil warrior, Perfect Devil. And she is torn by weak combatants. Her face is stamped by feet and she becomes the experimental guinea pig of a new termination weapon of Satan Cross! Strangling of her head and electric shock, and…! What the fate of Ranger Pink would be…!?

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