[Hibiki Ootuki, Suzu Yamai] [GIGP-10] Lesbian Insult -Samuraiger -Pink Deeply Loves Yellow and Losing Her Sense – 2019/11/08

Starring: Hibiki Ootuki, Suzu Yamai, Naoko Oosako

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: GIGP-10

Release Date: 2019/11/08

Total Duration: 110 min




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[Hibiki Ootuki] [GHKR-46] Housewife Heroine Rape -Sailor Flare -Before Her Husband- – 2019/07/26

Starring: Hibiki Ootuki

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: GHKR-46

Release Date: 2019/07/26

Total Duration: 115 min

Mikoto used to fight with monster tribes as Sailoer Flare, one of Sailor Fighters, but now she has married and spends peaceful life. However, Genie Zolsite appears before Mikoto although Zolsite was sealed by Sailor Fighter long time ago. Zolsite takes Mikoto’s husband Takeshi as a hostage and tortures nonresistant Sailor Flare. In addition, Zolsite rapes Sailor Flare before her husband Takeshi. She refuses Zolsite but she is puzzled by pleasure from the sex with Zolsite and feels orgasm for the first time.




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[Hibiki Ootuki] [GHKQ-47] Guard Ranger -Prisoned Guard Pink, Beautiful Body Pleasure Training- – 2018/09/14

Starring: Hibiki Ootuki

Video Director: Toru Sakata

JAV Video ID: GHKQ-47

Release Date: 2018/09/14

Total Duration: 95 min

Beautiful female fighter Guard Pink/Nanako Mizuhara is caught in the immoral trap. A traitor in the head office of the force set a trap for Guard Pink in the battle field. The opponent finds out the weak point of Guard Pink’s enforced suit. Her sweaty body is raped and tortured. She tries to against the opponent but can’t help gasping. She feels disgracefully orgasm. Noble and beautiful heroine who fights for justice falls into the trap of sexual slave…

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[Hibiki Ootuki] [GHKP-63] Overpowered Heroine Destroys Evil Organization -Astro Beautiful Dyna Woman – 2018/01/26

Starring: Hibiki Ootuki

Video Director: Toru Sakata

JAV Video ID: GHKP-63

Release Date: 2018/01/26

Total Duration: 110 min

Dyna Woman feels absolutely furious because her precious friend was killed by evils. She completely destroys the evil organization. Dyna Woman defeats combatants relentlessly. Combatants scream with being kicked and crushed their nuts. Dyna Woman destroy the iron gate with her muscle and goes into the base of opponents. She also completely destroys the nuclear missile set in the opponent’s base. Dyna Woman tortures the leader of opponents with same way her friend experienced. Dyna Woman’s attack by using her sexual body changes evil men into extreme masochists. Overpowered heroine completely annihilates the evil organization. [HAPPY END]

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[Hibiki Ootuki, Makoto Takeuchi] [GHKP-40] Battle Heroine -The forbidden Temptation for Boy Hero -Great Ranger Beautiful Heroine Tempts Handsome Boy Hero – 2017/11/10

Starring: Hibiki Ootuki, Makoto Takeuchi

Video Director: Toru Sakata

JAV Video ID: GHKP-40

Release Date: 2017/11/10

Total Duration: 80 min

Saori Momonoki/Great Pink, an only female member of Great Ranger, is an excellent female soldier but she has a tendency to have a sexual excitement to younger boy. Her sexual propensity is directed to a new face handsome boy soldier Great Yellow. Mikoto Kizaki/Great Yellow is an ordinary young man who has an girlfriend. Saori spent a sleepless night. One day, she meets a monster who can read humans mind. Her sexual propensity is detected by the monster. She is brainwashed and trained to be a perpetrator for destroying Great Ranger. Saori Momonoki/Great Pink traps Mikoto Kizaki/Great Yellow and gives him a pleasure of woman’s body to sexually brainwash him. The boy soldier is fascinated by the strong sexual stimulus. The two kill another fellows and drown into sexual pleasure…[BAD END]

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[Hibiki Ootuki, Ayumi Takanashi] [GIRO-70] Spandexer Sun Angel vs Zora – 2015/04/24

Starring: Ayumi Takanashi, Hibiki Ootuki

Video Director: Masayoshi Shiki

JAV Video ID: GIRO-70

Release Date: 2015/04/24

Total Duration: 65 min

Gerhart fails the coup d’etat and Spandexer Sun Angel goes to Earth to arrest him. But Gerhart senses someone chasing after him and makes Zora fight against her. The justice heroine struggles fighting against the green fighter but suddenly she withdraws. Sun Angel finds a scientist and questions him about their top secret research… She finds out that had Gerhart obtained the technology to genetically remodel species. He changes an average woman into a powerful fighter like Zora in order to conquer the universe. Later, Sun Angel fights against Zora once again but soon she finds out that Zora is actually her best friend, whom she lost years ago. Gerhart plans to make the two kill each other and…

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[Hibiki Ootuki] [GIRO-37] Deadly Fainting Heroine – Windy the Magical Warrior – 2015/01/23

Starring: Hibiki Ootuki

Video Director: Taro Musashino

JAV Video ID: GIRO-37

Release Date: 2015/01/23

Total Duration: 101 min

God gives Shiori the power of Magical Girl Windy to defeat Garunga, the King of Darkness. Like any other days, she fights against the monsters but this time they have a hostage… Windy stops fighting and loses her virginity. Windy lives in open shame to escape from the villains… Windy loses her magical powers, now that she is not a virgin. But she must infiltrate into Garuna’s base to save the hostage…

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[Hibiki Ootuki, Sena Suzumori] [TGGP-68] Martial Arts Heroine Incontinence Battle – 2014/11/28

Starring: Hibiki Ootuki, Sena Suzumori

Video Director: yokopedia

JAV Video ID: TGGP-68

Release Date: 2014/11/28

Total Duration: 78 min

The young martial artist, Asuna Mamiya plans to enter the Extreme Fighting Tournament. But to enter the tournament, she needs a strong partner. She asks Felisa the Cat Woman to join her in the tournament. And when the tournament begins, her first opponent is the Lagar Family. While Asuna fights against Mr. Budo, a red devil strikes from the sky. Although Asuna is heavily damaged from the attack, the power of the sky guardian awakens. The Red Devil takes Asuna to the underworld and finishes her. The Devil gets damaged but that did not stop it from raping the pretty fighter. With its remaining energy, the devil transfers someone to finish her!? And Felice watches her partner struggle and…

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[Miho Tono, Hibiki Ootuki] [TGGP-65] Ranger Girls in Grave Danger! Wetting Torture – 2014/11/28

Starring: Hibiki Ootuki, Miho Tono

Video Director: Minooru

JAV Video ID: TGGP-65

Release Date: 2014/11/28

Total Duration: 112 min

King Desher eliminates the members of G Rangers, Cecil Five, and Ryuseizers. Three fighters are left to defeat the evil emperor: G Yellow, Cecil Pink, and Ryusei Blue. Gildos uses venom to drive G Yellow to bay! Cecil Pink and Ryusei Blue run to save her, but could not make it on time. Cecil Pink loses the will to fight after watching her friend get killed. Then Ryusei Blue pits herself against the powerful monster but Gildos was stronger than she expected… Cecil Pink arrives but the monster melts her armor with its bubble attack and…

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