[Ayaka Tsuji, Yuuko Shouji] [ZARD-91] Holy Girl Valkyrius Stela – 2009/12/25

Starring: Juri Satomi, Iyo Shibusawa, Yuuko Shouji, Ayaka Tsuji

Video Director: Hiroshi Nagai

JAV Video ID: ZARD-91

Release Date: 2009/12/25

Total Duration: 77 min

The year 200X… A beautiful planet, the earth. Due to a difference of an overwhelming fighting power from outer space, various countries’ armed forces have been recklessly obedient to the foe. However, there is one mysterious standalone organization named ”ACTONRY”, which doesn’t belong to any countries, and it intervenes into any international disputes and brings peace by force of arms. And now the girls of the organization are called to a country which has been exposed under the foe’s converging fire. The three super robots which have been active in all around the world, and the three female pilots, Yu Minato, Momoko Inuki, Yumika Musou. Three of them are at variance with the style and the pride. For that reason, unfortunately, Momoko gets damages because of Yumika’s overstep. And also like an additional blow, Yu duels over Yumi!? But in the meantime, the foe’s butchery robot invades the country without mercy! However, during the fight against the foe, the three fighters’ human bandage begins to grow gradually. But it’s short-lived. Yumika is captured, and three robots are driven into the functional cease one after another. Well, do they only have to wait for their death by being hanged onto crosses in the ruined city… Chance it, they decide to execute big-time mission, which bets not only their lives but also for the destiny of the earth!!

CLICK TO GET "ZARD91HolyGirlValkyriusStela20091225.mp4" FROM FBOOM.ME

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[Juri Satomi, AyanoYoshida] [ZXXD-11] Makiriko(Demon Hunters)Ⅱ Lumiere noire et noir blanc- Prelude – 2009/09/25

Starring: AyanoYoshida, Sayo, Juri Satomi, Risa Akiyoshi

Video Director: Hiroshi Nagai

JAV Video ID: ZXXD-11

Release Date: 2009/09/25

Total Duration: 65 min

In this world, there are two types of human beings, one with evil minds whom the demons obsess to live on, and the other with naive minds, though rare and few, whom the demons devour as food. The demon slasher girls are hunting those demons with rare baits, so that they may be reborn as humans after felling 99 demons. Co-ed Misa Jonouchi has had people around her slaughtered one after another, while she is saved for some reason. The mother body demon this time is different from earlier ones who acted upon their instincts only… Hinata, the black demon slasher, has sensed through her encounter with Misa the existence of a mega enemy plotting to destroy her and the group. Despite the encroaching demons’ plot, white demon slasher Mitsuki enjoys hunting demons down by manipulating people around her. The incarnating demons restrain demon slashers with their long, ugly tentacles and launch upon sneaky attacks to ward off slashers’ tactful sword wielding. The demon slashers are soon cornered until Hinata and Mitsuki find themselves in a fix! The two girls eventually start a silent enmity around Misa. Will they crush each other and spark sword fighting?

CLICK TO GET "ZXXD11MakirikoDemonHuntersLumierenoireetnoirblancPrelude20090925.mp4" FROM FBOOM.ME

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