[Kasumi Kyouno] [GXXD-34] Super Heroine Ecstasy Hell – Bloody Angel Asuna – 2009/08/28

Starring: Kasumi Kyouno

Video Director: Unatsuki

JAV Video ID: GXXD-34

Release Date: 2009/08/28

Total Duration: 106 min

Asuna, an assassin for justice clad in a special reinforced suit to terminate evil men, is a naughty, unyielding Heroine. Tandem with her partner Kenji, she is busy with fighting the God Birds, a group of evil punishers. Kenji, falling for Asuna, is frustrated by Asuna’s brushing him cool. Then, before Kenji appears Camus, the leader of the God Birds. Drawing on Kenji’s pure, tender heart, Camus succeeds in hypnotizing Kenji. Asuna, in fact, feels attached to Kenji, but she just cannot show it simply. Then, while in mission, she falls into the trap set by the God Birds. Camus and the guys keep fondling Asuna, as they are told by on-lookers. There comes Kenji all hyped up by Camus. who molests and gives hellish pleasures to Asuna, sending her to climaxes… [Bad ending]

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[Satomi Takeshita, Kasumi Kyouno] [WEHD-12] Exciting Heroine – Female Sword Fighter Legent Queen : Big Crisis Version[Rated-15] – 2009/08/14

Starring: Kasumi Kyouno, Satomi Takeshita

Video Director: Motoharu Takauji

JAV Video ID: WEHD-12

Release Date: 2009/08/14

Total Duration: 62 min

Legend Queen, appearing in the female warriors’ competition to be held once in 4 years. Any warrior granted the title of Queen Swordswoman at the competition is rewarded with the mightiest weapon called Muramasa Sword and a prize money to honor her as the true warrior. She is sent on a tour of the country to protect peace. Nozomi, traveling as a Legend Queen, saves an arms merchant from robbers one day but gets hurt in her left arm while fighting. Nozomi rests at the merchant’s residence to heal the wound and sets out again on her way after recovering with superhuman restoring strength. The merchant, thanking her for the rescue efforts, tries to present her with a special armor but she rejects it and the merchants just follows her. Suddenly, a woman warrior named Kasumi emerges to confront Nozomi, who wishes to down a Legend Queen to get the honor. Nozomi defends herself with her still wounded arm. Then, there appears Dark Zebius. who killed her father, with his gangs. Nozomi is now obliged to fight, onning the merchant’s special armour… A savage battle ensues between the two woman warriors around the title of Legend Queen. [Happy ending]

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