[Yui Hatano, Kiyoka Taira] [TGGP-82] VS -Beautiful Mask Principal & Admiral Woman – 2016/11/11

Starring: Yui Hatano, Kiyoka Taira

Video Director: Takashi Mutsuki

JAV Video ID: TGGP-82

Release Date: 2016/11/11

Total Duration: 60 min

A guardian angel, Principal (everybody knows her name!) has kept peace of the Teito city. She is always fair and calm. Every villains can’t defeat beautiful Principal. Admiral Woman, a heroine with blue costume, suddenly appears before Principal. Principal and Admiral Woman conflict with each other due to their difference thought and lifestyles. However, in fact two thieves called Ghost Thief were the tormentor for principal. Her instinct becomes uncontrolled. Principal disgraces herself in public against her will. Meanwhile Admiral Woman suffer from a mineral Silicaphilia (her weak point). She is hardly tortured with hollow look. Surprisingly Principal appears before Admiral Woman, repeatedly masturbating with fool face. The rape show starts. The nightmare party never finish even if they feel orgasm. What is happen to Admiral Woman? Stand up again, Principal!!!

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[Haruna Ayane, Kiyoka Taira] [GHOR-78] Superheroine Despair -Sister Heroine Last Battle- – 2016/09/09

Starring: Haruna Ayane, Kiyoka Taira

Video Director: Takashi Mutsuki

JAV Video ID: GHOR-78

Release Date: 2016/09/09

Total Duration: 65 min

A irreplaceable thing is that it exists beside you without notice and disappear one day. Spandexer who is a new face of the galaxy vermin extermination sheriff has no relatives to depend on. A mysterious criminal Madbull tries to lead her into a trap. Spandexer falls into a vicious trap. Meanwhile, a top sheriff Super Lady called a Spiral Seven is always cool. Their destinies are crossed. Revenge is completed in 900 years later. It is cruel and cold act. Super Lady tries to rescue her sister and tries her luck. “We never withdraw because we have a pride as a sheriff.” Super Lady never lose her pride even on the brink of death. However Spandexer is inexperience and she feels despair. She is deprived her power with an ominous biological weapon. What is happen to wounded Spandexer next? “We never lose until death divides the two.”

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[Mizuna Wakatsuki, Kiyoka Taira] [ZEOD-16] Sexual Dynamite Heroine 20 Evil Dress Temptation – 2016/06/10

Starring: Mizuna Wakatsuki, Kotori Ayase, Kiyoka Taira

Video Director: Sosuke Higashimura

JAV Video ID: ZEOD-16

Release Date: 2016/06/10

Total Duration: 65 min

Holy Rouge and Holy Perfume have battled with an evil witch Dark Queen. Dark Queen exists as an only mental without physical body so she tries to deprive Reika Himeno’s body (She is a captain of Holy Rouge and Holy Perfume) but she knows that Holy Rouge loves Reika on the way to get Reika’s body and Dark Queen plots a new strategy. Dark Queen get Reika’s body and is beaten by Holy Perfume purposely and leaves cloth charged grudge. Holy Rouge wears the cloth with no idea without knowing the cloth has Dark Queen’s grudge. Dark Queen succeeds to get Holy Rouge’s body. Dark Queen attacks Holy Perfume with the strongest Rouge’s body. Holy Perfume can’t resist her attack because she loves Holy Perfume secretly. Dark Queen restrain Holy Perfume to torture her body and soul. What is happen to Holy Perfume next?

CLICK TO GET "ZEOD16SexualDynamiteHeroine20EvilDressTemptation20160610.mp4" FROM FBOOM.ME

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[Kiyoka Taira, Urea Sakuraba] [MEBO-02] All characters are men but they are played by actresses -Ninja Special Investigative Unit Bird Men- – 2016/05/27

Starring: Kotori Ayase, Urea Sakuraba, Kiyoka Taira, Erina Oda, Rika Yabuki

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: MEBO-02

Release Date: 2016/05/27

Total Duration: 85 min

Bird One/Ren Hasumi and Bird Two/Ryo Takasaki are the member of Ninja Special Investigative Unit Bird Men. They has battled with evil organization Gyaranger and sneak into the town where Gyaranger operate their activity. However Bird two is captured and tortured by Lindvulm, a cadre of Gyaranger. Bird Two is rescued by Bird One and then Bird two desires Yu’s sleeping face and tries to attack her. Ren is forced to ejaculated to Ryo’s mouse and he rush out from hideout and beats Gyaranger’s combatant from her irritation. Then Lindvulm appears with an against bird energy gun which was created by analysis of deprived energy from Bird Two when he was captured. He shoots Bird One with the gun and captures him. Lindvulm tortures and rapes Bird One because he is a homosexual. What is happen to Bird One next?

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CLICK TO GET "MEBO02AllcharactersaremenbuttheyareplayedbyactressesNinjaSpecialInvestigativeUnitBirdMen20160527 part 2.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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