[Mai Miura] [GOMK-56] Bung Up the Heorine Exhaustively Ninja Special Investigative Unit Bird Fighter – 2013/07/26

Starring: Mai Miura

Video Director: Toru Sakata

JAV Video ID: GOMK-56

Release Date: 2013/07/26

Total Duration: 68 min

An evil organization called Galanger has brought a space cannibal plant on the earth. If such a space plant progressively breeds, future of humans will be eliminated…. Bird-Fighter No.3, Shoko Shiratori has a mission that she purposely gets abducted and approaches the cannibal plant to find a secret about it. But, some miscalculations of the strategy suddenly occur!? In order to save innocent people who are about to be fed by the cannibal plant, she gets ready to transform herself into Bird-White. But she has the tits bitten by the plant’s tentacle before the transformation, and she receives a wound. Then, the bunch of the combatants attack her, but she beats them with her splendid fighting techniques. Yet, she is cornered by Galager’s three hunters, and she gets knocked down over and over. Now, the beautiful female fighter Bird-White leaks urine, and faints with bozz-eyed…. Her reinforced white suit became so muddy and dirty, and she’s knocked down over and over again. At last, she falls a prey to the cannibal plant….

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