[Humiliation, Kanako Ioka] [XRW-633] Shocking Porn Appearance! The Amazing Transsexual Bondage Master! Japan Bondage Master Biographies. Chapter 4 KANNA – 2019/01/25

Starring: Kanako Ioka, Mai Tamaki, Karina Nishida, Koko Mashiro

Video Director: Tomimasu Diran

JAV Video ID: XRW-633

Release Date: 2019/01/25

Total Duration: 124 min


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[ハード系, 未亡人] [XRW-232] 24-Hour Breaking In Documentary! Project Living Sex Doll! Mai Tamaki – 2016/11/11

Starring: Mai Tamaki

Video Director: Suginoki

JAV Video ID: XRW-232

Release Date: 2016/11/11

Total Duration: 121 min

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CLICK TO GET "XRW23224HourBreakingInDocumentaryProjectLivingSexDollMaiTamaki20161111.part2.rar" FROM FBOOM.ME

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[Rino Anzai, 乱交] [MIST-082] The Spa Inn Has Local Girls Who Seduce And Get Tourists To Impregnate Them To Make The Men Settle In Town… 2 – 2015/10/22

Starring: Leon Otowa, Yuki Natsume, Mai Tamaki, Chinami Sakura, Mai Yamasaki, Rino Anzai

Video Director: Tachibana Cyclone

JAV Video ID: MIST-082

Release Date: 2015/10/22

Total Duration: 160 min

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[レイプ, 剃毛・パイパン(フェチ)] [BDA-053] Binding Torture Awakening Exposed Crack Mai Tamaki – 2018/01/14

Starring: Mai Tamaki

Video Director: Abashirikka

JAV Video ID: BDA-053

Release Date: 2018/01/14

Total Duration: 135 min

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[Mai Tamaki, Naoko Oosako] [GHKP-98] Punishment Princess Blade -Former Female Wrestler Executioner Suffers from Stormy Domination and Torture- – 2018/04/27

Starring: Mai Tamaki, Naoko Oosako

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: GHKP-98

Release Date: 2018/04/27

Total Duration: 100 min

Megumi Suzumiya used to a professional wrestler. Her best friend was raped and killed, but the criminal wasn’t judged by the low, so she took avenge on the criminal. Now she entered shadowy world to punish evils who can’t be judged by the low as Punishment Princess Blade. Blade is offered to eliminate Maki Goutokuji, a dark queen who commits any kind of crime such as human trade, murder, and drug dealing. However, Maki is always protected by bodyguards. Maki manages to defeat the first opponent master blader Volf, but she is defeated and captured by ex-wrestler Taros and Oguru who has brute strength. Sadist Maki violently tortures Blade to know who offered Blade to murder Maki.

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[Mai Tamaki] [GHKP-74] Female Cadre Zora -Hero Insult- – 2018/02/23

Starring: Mai Tamaki

Video Director: Masayoshi Shiki

JAV Video ID: GHKP-74

Release Date: 2018/02/23

Total Duration: 90 min

Evil female cadre Zora engages in secret maneuvers as a subordinate of Gerhult who plans to dominate the Earth and is a rival of justice heroine Spandexer. But she was beaten by Spandexer and imprisoned Orgus camp. Meanwhile, Don Jose, boss of the crime organization Amigo, plans to utilize Zora to defeat Spandexer. Don Jose disguises himself as prison officer to tame her with sex and drugs. Firstly, he kidnaps Bad As, Spandexer’s partner, and let Zora torture him. Zora completely insults Bad As to be experienced pleasure which is never tasted with Spandexer. [HAPPY END]

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[Mai Tamaki] [ZEOD-47] Sexual Dynamite Heroine 23 Battle of Death -International Crime Agent Meifa – 2017/12/22

Starring: Mai Tamaki

Video Director: Kanzo Matsuura

JAV Video ID: ZEOD-47

Release Date: 2017/12/22

Total Duration: 60 min

Meifa is an excellent investigator of KICKS, (International Crime Control Organization). She visits Hon-Hai country to chases a wanted person Sword. In the country, local police has a connection with mafia. They try to murder Sword and Meifa because Sword has an evidence of their corruption case and Meifa almost know the details of the case. Meifa is caught in a trap and violently tortured by Chin So Toku, Boss of mafia and Izabella Kirishima, a corrupt police, but Meifa manages to defeat them. However, Chin employs Killer Jean Paul Suzuki, ex-professional wrestler, to attacks Meifa. What is going to happen to Meifa?

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[Mai Tamaki] [MEBO-03] We are the Third Force! Reserve Ranger – 2016/11/25

Starring: Mai Tamaki

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: MEBO-03

Release Date: 2016/11/25

Total Duration: 75 min

A number of villains increase recently, so heroes fall into lacking of human resources. Therefore justice organization prepares the second and third forces as reserves. They are not regular force, especially the third force is weak and difficult to beat even combatants. Meanwhile, regular force members are beaten by villains, and Force Pink is capture. The third force heroes stand up to rescue the Pink, dream girl. Are they able to rescue the Pink…!?[HAPPY END]

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[Mai Tamaki] [GRET-26] Gigantic Heroine (R) Next Lady – 2016/10/28

Starring: Mai Tamaki

Video Director: Masayoshi Shiki

JAV Video ID: GRET-26

Release Date: 2016/10/28

Total Duration: 60 min

Galaxy Union send Next Lady to the Earth for protecting humans from evil space criminals. She has battled as Tsukasa Kuon, a female member of Earth Defense Force, Alpha team. One day, space monster Gragolos appears to destroy the town. Tsukasa transforms into Next Lady to convince the monster not to destroy the town but she fails. They starts fighting and then Next Lady accidentally destroys a building. She is monitored by Defense Force and accused by people, because of destruction of the town and incidence of casualties. Tsukasa doubts her battle activities and confesses her true color to a man. However, in fact, he was an alien Abbate who plots conquest of the Earth. Next Lady’s next suit surpass its limit, so she has to fight with a monster Gragolos and alien Abbate without Next Shield. She can’t fight with monsters without shield. She is assaulted.

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