[Anri Suma, Michiru Tsukino] [TDLN-119] [On Sale at Heroine Tokusatsu Stores and Available Online] Heroine Forced – Lascivious – 2010/11/12

Starring: Michiru Tsukino, Anri Suma

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: TDLN-119

Release Date: 2010/11/12

Total Duration: 113 min

Both of two girls, Yuuri Ouga(means a gentle mind with big tusks) as the Tiga-Ranger of theΦ(Phi)-Ranger and Ran Hanezaki(means an orchid in a soaring cliff) as the Carra-Ranger of that has cared each other, but they always quarrel each other while keeping it in mind. One day Ran(the Carra-Ranger) catches a sign of a foe―the Lagoon Family―but she doesn’t contact with Yuui(the Tiga-Ranger) whom she quarrels with, and she goes to a battle alone and is beaten up to be captured―and to make matters worse she is steeped in the evil power. Yuuri(the Tiga-Ranger) doesn’t know anything about it and goes to rescue Ran(the Carra-Ranger), but she is beaten up by the Carra-Ranger who has become one of the evils so that the Yuui(the Tiga-Ranger) is put in the place of captivity. Ran (the Carra-Ranger), who has captured Yuuri(the Tiga-Ranger), explodes desire being pressed down and tries every means in her power to insult Yuuri(the Tiga-Ranger). While Yuuri(the Tiga-Ranger) feels for caress of Ran(the Carra-Ranger) whom she admires, she tries to keep reason desperately, but it just prolongs pain. Then, Yuuri(the Tiga-Ranger) still resists against it so seriously but she is forced to reach the acme over and over by Ran(the Carra-Ranger), and at last she is turned into an evil fighter by the foe named Dhorme. Ran (the Carra-Ranger) and Yuuri(the Tiga-Ranger), who become members of the Lagoon Family, obey commands of Dhorme and start to seduce ordinary people and make them into their sex slaves.

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[Asuka Misugi, Michiru Tsukino] [TBB-49] Heroine Suppression Vol.49 – 2010/05/14

Starring: Michiru Tsukino, Asuka Misugi

Video Director: Unatsuki

JAV Video ID: TBB-49

Release Date: 2010/05/14

Total Duration: 60 min

A righteous fighting unit, the Electric-Decorated Fighting Unit named the Giga-Ranger has been fighting against the Evil-Thunder-Kingdom called the Negantis which puts headquarters on a beyond dimension world called the Nega-Dimension. The Giga-Yellow and the Giga-Pink who are the members of the Giga-Ranger usually hide the true characters, and now they disguise themselves as girls’ school students in the general public. The Yellow gives her name as Misato Jounouchi and the Pink gives her name as Mika Imaoka when they don’t transformed themselves into the Giga-Ranger. One day, Misato and Miki catch some information that the Negantis will appear, so they start searching it. However, they cannot get further information about it, and are vexed at it, so mistakenly Mika blurts out about the Negatis in her conversation. Misato hears it and panically shuts her mouth tightly, and draws Mika’s attention to it. But Mika gets angry about how her mistake is strongly abused, and she disputes with Misato about it. Since then, they start acting scatteringly. Misato searches alone but finds combatants, and she is about to contact with Mika about it but she recalls the quarrel and tries to beat the combatants by herself. Misato transforms herself into the Giga-Yellow and beats the combatants. However, one of the members of an evil fighting unit Nega-Ranger produced by the Negatis, who is called the Nega-Yellow appears in front of her. The Yellow is caught in the foe’s trap and is put special handcuffs on her arms. The Giga-Yellow is dragged into the beyond dimension world with the special handcuffs, and she is tormented by the Nega-Yellow and in addition, she becomes the prey of a commander of the Negatis, Dr. Yougum…

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[Ryo Tujimoto, Michiru Tsukino] [GMMD-14] Masked Beautiful Girl Freia & Evil Queen Lilis Double Insult – 2011/04/08

Starring: Ryo Tujimoto, Michiru Tsukino

Video Director: Issei Utsunomiya

JAV Video ID: GMMD-14

Release Date: 2011/04/08

Total Duration: 94 min

’Goolar’ is the evil organization plans the world domination but their operations have been always interfered by the Lovely-Girl-Mask Freya, even though they have reached only one step away. So Dr. Gedoo, who is a staff officer of ’Goolar’, has been booed by the Queen of the organization, Lilith each time, the stress of Dr. Gedoo toward Freya and Lilith has reached the limit. One day Dr. Gedoo is order by Lilith, intercepting Freya who ventures into the headquarters, but Dr. Gedoo is defeated so easily. Finally, toe-to-toe battle between Freya and Lilith begins, and both of them show deadly blows and at the moment of mutually attaching in the knees, suddenly with shout of Gedoo, the combatants arrest two girls who have been weakened. Actually, Gedoo is not dead. And Gedoo attaches both Freya and Lilith with ’The Cranial Nerve External Operation Equipment’ in the shape of a choker ring. This equipment is really fearful because it reacts to vocal cords of Gedoo and stimulates brain of the person attached with the choker ring, and certainly the person will perform what the order contents. Well, what is going to happen to fate of both Freya and Lilith!?

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