[Reiko Kobayakawa, Chigusa Hara] [GHOR-21] SPANDEXER4 -Demolish Three Sisters- Three Sisters Annihilated! Losing Last Hope!! – 2016/04/22

Starring: Chigusa Hara, Miki Sunohara, Reiko Kobayakawa

Video Director: Ginta Jinji

JAV Video ID: GHOR-21

Release Date: 2016/04/22

Total Duration: 75 min

Sun Angel rescued Cosmo Angel while she was torturing. She despairs by knowing they are powerless before Terrarium, but a laboratory stuff hands in an item to her. The name is “Anti Terrarium Shield Generator” which generates a special magnetic field to block interference wave of Terrarium. Sun Angel gets the protector and goes to beat Gerhurt solely. However it was a last figure of Spandexer three sisters.
“Hu hu hu, you three sisters will be sold as a sex slave ‘Nikutsubo (Vagina)’ and groped all the holes in your body.”
“Hau…hey, sister I can’t stand it…”
“Don’t give up…No,…hang in there…Kuaaaaa…I…I’m coming…”

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[Miki Sunohara, Chigusa Hara] [GHOR-16] SPANDEXER4 -Demolish Three Sisters- Public Assault! Fallen to Pleasure Sisters!! – 2016/04/08

Starring: Reiko Kobayakawa, Chigusa Hara, Miki Sunohara

Video Director: Ginta Jinji

JAV Video ID: GHOR-16

Release Date: 2016/04/08

Total Duration: 75 min

Two Spandexers stand at the stadium with their body exhausted and sealed their ability with Terrarium. Moon angel and Cosmo Angel fell into Gerhalt’s trap and sent to the exiled planet. They tries to save each other, but Zora utilizes their sisterly love and they are forced to “ Never Ending Battle” as a show to prisoners. They lose again although they struggle to escape from there. Two sister are tortured and raped by sturdy men to show in public. Spandexers lose their energy. they can’t refuse men’s big penis any more. Their only way is being raped continuously until become a wreck…
“If you want to save your younger sister, you have to battle there, Ha-ha-ha.” “You don’t need worry about me, sister. Get away from here…”
[BAD and to be continued…]

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[Miki Sunohara] [THP-62] Super Heroine In Grave Danger!! Vol.62 Esper Sherry – 2016/02/12

Starring: Miki Sunohara

Video Director: Kang-syaku

JAV Video ID: THP-62

Release Date: 2016/02/12

Total Duration: 80 min

Sherry has a small supernatural power. And she beats combatants of the Black End with using her power. Dr. Mosquito knows Sherry is a esper and he sends esper Grizzly to get her supernatural power. Sherry fights back to evil espers with wearing Galleon suit invented by Professor Nagumo. But she is beaten due to her inexperience. At the time, her neckless is clacked, then her sealed power wakes up!! [HAPPY END]

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[Miki Sunohara] [GHPM-27] Sailor Flame Suffocation Torture – 2015/09/11

Starring: Miki Sunohara

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GHPM-27

Release Date: 2015/09/11

Total Duration: 70 min

Sailor Flame detects something weird happening…. A man begins screaming and attacks the heroine. Sailor Flame cannot attack a human so she desperately tries to stop him. But just then, the man spits out a creepy egg and it begins glowing! ‘So you were the reason! If I am against a monster, I can use my magic!’ She burns the monster instantly. But something is strange…. The monster, whom she just defeated, splits in half and attacks her. Sailor Flame burns him again but it keeps multiplying! The heroine begins to have a difficulty in breathing….

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[Miki Sunohara] [THP-60] Super Heroine in Grave Danger!! Vol.60 SPANDEXER 3 Return of the Sun Angel – 2015/08/14

Starring: Miki Sunohara

Video Director: Ginta Jinji

JAV Video ID: THP-60

Release Date: 2015/08/14

Total Duration: 65 min

‘It has been 10 years but why…’The nightmare returns. Sun Angel wakes up and controls the lust. She reminisces of the time when she was raped by Gerhart. It was an experiment for the aphrodisiac. A loathsome memories return. Luckily she was saved by her sisters, but after the incident, she retired as Sun Angel. She chose the life as a normal housewife. But she has no choice but to fight once again to save her sisters from Gerhart! [HAPPY END]

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[Miki Sunohara, Misa Kudo] [TRE-81] Heroine Insult Vol.81 Amorphousliner Goddess 2nd. – 2015/06/12

Starring: Miki Sunohara, Misa Kudo

Video Director: Ginta Jinji

JAV Video ID: TRE-81

Release Date: 2015/06/12

Total Duration: 77 min

Half conscious. Unstable view. What Mao saw is white and black fighters crashing. Misa’s (Black) memories… Just when Miki (White) was about to get eliminated, a variant creatures comes out. No matter how hard she tries, she cannot stop it from assaulting her. Miki is destined to be the seed bed for these aliens. The girls who inherit the power of Elpida must fight their way through darkness. ‘I… Cannot escape’

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[Miki Sunohara] [GIRO-28] Superheroine Outdoorsy Insult – Super Lady Loses Power – – 2014/12/26

Starring: Miki Sunohara

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GIRO-28

Release Date: 2014/12/26

Total Duration: 77 min

Super Lady saves an agent of the Galactic Police but he is severely injured… Right before he disappears, he hands Super Lady the machine that can send the user to wherever and whenever they want. Super Lady decides to return the machine to Professor Hirota but she reminisces of her planet, which was destroyed years ago… If she uses this machine, perhaps she may be able to stop the catastrophe. Although the heroine felt guilty for stealing the machine, she uses it to go back in time. Super Lady is sent to a whole new world, where her body feels very heavy. For the first time, she is experiencing gravity; she cannot fly and use super strength. She is sure this is her home planet! The heroine is cheering because the transporter worked but a man attacks her… Super Lady cannot use her power to defeat the assassins and…

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[Yuma Miyazaki, Mirai Sunohara] [THP-55] Superheroine In Grave Danger Vol.55 When the Star of Celine Falls – 2014/08/08

Starring: Miki Sunohara, Yuma Miyazaki

Video Director: Ginta Jinji

JAV Video ID: THP-55

Release Date: 2014/08/08

Total Duration: 86 min

Several years after Sadeuh 16th joined forces with the demon lord…Princess Maria, who had been exiled, became Celine, the leader of the revolutionary army. One day, her comrades report that her allies are going to be executed next morning. Although everyone knew they didn’t have a perfect plan, Maria decides to become a bait to save her comrades. But unfortunately, she is betrayed and captured. Celine’s partner, Black Cosmos, comes and rescues her but… Her beautiful body is caressed by the enemy and…

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[Mirai Sunohara, Miki Sunohara] [STAK-22] Silent Messiah – 2014/08/08

Starring: Miki Sunohara

JAV Video ID: STAK-22

Release Date: 2014/08/08

Total Duration: 73 min

Multiple homicides by the demons were reported… A beautiful investigator is on to this case… Her name is Brandy. When Brandy is investigating the crime scene, the victim stands up and attacks her… That night, when she was creating a document for the next meeting, she feels someone sneaking up on her… There she finds a powerful demon… But how did he enter the base without getting caught by anyone. She chases the demon and ends up in the crime scene from before. Brandy thinks she can easily defeat the demon but… That moment, the pendant which was a gift from her father starts glowing!..

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