[Hatsuno Sugaya, Miro] [CGMD-04] Super Angel ASUKA – 2008/02/08

Starring: Hatsuno Sugaya, Miro

Video Director: Motoharu Takauji

JAV Video ID: CGMD-04

Release Date: 2008/02/08

Total Duration: 60 min

Asuka Hino is living with her lovely daughter Yukari. Asuka is a kind mother to Yukari, but she is strict about her work at the office. Actually her office is a special unit under the direct control of the Government and her work is to fight against mysterious life forms coming to Earth. One day Asuka’s battle suit is damaged in the fight. As it takes some time before her suit is repaired, Asuka decides to take days off to spend some time with her daughter, feeling sorry for her as she is often absent from home. Asuka and Yukari have a good time, but a mysterious life form appears before them and attacks Yukari. Asuka quickly sets out to rescue her daughter with her armored suit temporarily repaired, but the battle is not easy because her weapon is not completely fixed and Yukari, manipulated by some force, controls the enemy’s attacks. To find the place where her missing daughter is gone, Asuka thinks hard. She eventually succeeds in sneaking into the enemy’s base, but…. Mama-doru Heroine Asuka stands up and fights to save Yukari from the evil that is corrupting her daughter’s heart!


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[Miro, Maho Rukawa] [ZMX-05] Kirenji Female High School Vol.1 – 2008/05/02

Starring: Miyo Nano, Miro, Maho Rukawa

Video Director: Shuya Yoshimoto

JAV Video ID: ZMX-05

Release Date: 2008/05/02

Total Duration: 60 min

[Episode 1] A girl named Maki, 17, picks up a fight and knocks down bad boys and girls in town. She, a born fighter, has mastered her own martial arts. She spends all her time fighting. One day one of those guys tells her to go to a female high school called Kirenji for real fights.[Episode 2] As soon as Maki steps into the school, girls challenges her. But she beats up all of them and makes it to a classroom where groups of ruthless girls are. One of the groups, led by notorious Natsumu, surrounds Maki. An epic battle begins against the blood-loving girls.

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[Miyo Nano, Maho Rukawa] [ZXXD-04] SHURAID – 2008/03/14

Starring: Daisuke Kumaki, Rio, Miro, Jouji Nobeyama, Miyo Nano, Yuka Tomaru, Kyousuke Setsuna, Kenji Sugita, Naoya Kumaki, Maho Rukawa

Video Director: Shuya Yoshimoto

JAV Video ID: ZXXD-04

Release Date: 2008/03/14

Total Duration: 75 min

The Schrade was a tribe lived on the space between human’s illusion and nightmare. Once upon a time the Schrade had been about to be terminated by hunters, but one of the Schrade, who had been alomost extinguished, had expelled two mysterious balls and had disappeared somewhere. 10 years later since then… Mirai, who was a parentless girl and was raised by Dr. Makabe, was asked to come to an underground club by a childhood friend named Utae. Mirai was a little bit surprised at hidden aspect of the childhood friend, and she had a hard time to get used to the atmospheres of the club. However, right after club visitors were becoming so high tension, they transformed themselves into the Schrade one after another. Mirai and Utae were so scared about it. And those transformed visitors began to surround Mirai and Utae gradually and started to attack them. Mirai was separated from Utae, but Mirai’s eyes suddenly changed into red color and she was able to knock down the Schrade attacking her one after another. At last she could break out their enclosure, and she tried to run away from there after she grabbed Utae’s arm. However, also Utae suddenly transformed herself into the Schrade. And Mirai lost consciousness by wasting her maximum power so suddenlly. After Mirai woke up, she could see a girl who gave her name as her elder sister ”Euro”. Then Euro told Mirai that she was actually one of the Schrade and was had a blood relative with Euro. Mirai was so shocked by what Euro said. But there, Dr. Makabe with a gun came to rescue Mirai. However, Dr. Makabe got a surprise attack, and he was knocked down. And then the blood heritage of the Schrade sleeping inside of Mirai was about to awaken perfectly.



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[Toko Hatori, Junko Iida] [ZXXD-07] Memory Thief ZERO – 2008/05/09

Starring: Toko Hatori, Miro, Junko Iida

Video Director: Hiroshi Nagai

JAV Video ID: ZXXD-07

Release Date: 2008/05/09

Total Duration: 75 min

Professor Rei Kurohime is teaching structural physical chemistry at Imperial University of General Medicine. She has ”Odd Eyes” or eyes of different colors and she has another face the world doesn’t know; Rei is actually No. 4014, the country’s most-wanted fugitive, aka ”Memory Thief”. She can read the memories of the other people left on objects and even manipulate them using the power of psychokinesis. As she has never been caught by the police, people call her ”ZERO”. Meanwhile, Ren Shuki, veteran agent of The Metropolitan Police’s Ninth Division, known as ”Agent Advancian Rose”, chases after ZERO desperately. And a mad scientist Shizuka Tsuneta also seeks a chance to settle the score with ZERO as she believes ZERO is responsible for her failed project and the subsequent lawsuit from the client and the closure of her institute. The three women’s souls stand up face to face, then interact with one another before finally clashing head-on. Dangerous traps await the arrival of these girls hating each other. The girls hurt and weaken in special armored costumes. A fierce battle begins between Heroine of Darkness ZERO and Heroine of Light Advancian. Sinister Tsuneta also plans to attack the two heroines and even attempts to tear ZERO’s mask away, trying to reveal true identity of ZERO in front of TV camera. ”I’m sorry… I failed… to protect you…” Then something happens to ZERO’s eyes! Stand up again, ZERO!! Now is time for you to show your real power!!!

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[Hibiki Mano, Miyo Nano] [AZGB-06] Female Combatants Battle – 2009/03/13

Starring: Mnami, Miki Makibashi, Hibiki Mano, Miyuki Saeki, Miyo Nano, Miro

Video Director: Motoharu Takauji

JAV Video ID: AZGB-06

Release Date: 2009/03/13

Total Duration: 69 min

Aoi Kono has sneaked into an evil organization named Dark-Mist, and she has been put to training as the female combatant No. 841 along with No.773 and No. 625 by their female instructor named O. After No.841 and others finish the hard training only aimed for terminating the super heroine named the Asteflare, who is rising against Dark-Mist, they head to a spot to fight against her. Those female combatants fight against the Asteflare with pro wrestling techniques which they have learned from the instructor O, but they’re powerless before Asteflare. After the instructor O sees No. 841 and others, she joins the fight but she is ripped off her mask while she is fighting. Asteflare is so surprised and freezes when she looks at her face. Actually they used to be rival pro wrestlers as well as friends back in old days. After Asteflare becomes hesitant by the surprise, No. 625 takes the leading part, and they treat Asteflare harshly and capture her. After Asteflare is taken away to the base of Dark-Mist, she is tortured so harshly, and she is ripped off her mask. Reika as the instructor O is so agitated, but she desperately keeps her feeling inside and kills her emotion; and she continues to torture Asteflare more harshly. But No. 841 removes the restriction of Shoko(Asteflare), who has been holding the torture and seriously slumped. However, the other female combatants are at high alert and capture No. 841. No. 841 is seriously tortured, and she is put into a brainwashing machine… After Asteflare recovers her physical strength, she goes to rescue No.841 but she is confronted and attacked by the female combatants. She has so much hard time to fight against them, but she manages to beat them. And after that, a serious big fight starts between Asteflare and the instructor O.

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[Miyo Nano, Miro] [ZMX-08] Kirenji Female High School Vol.2 – 2008/05/02

Starring: Miyo Nano, Miro, Maho Rukawa

Video Director: Shuya Yoshimoto

JAV Video ID: ZMX-08

Release Date: 2008/05/02

Total Duration: 65 min

[Episode 3] When Maki is about to beat up the girls in the classroom, their leader, Natsumu, stands in front of Maki. But another new girl, Kirei Shindo, cuts in. She was abandoned by her parents and overcame bullying. Maki, Natsumu and Kirei agree to settle their mastery by the traditional way. [Episode 4] There are three big continuous festivals that are the customary fighting events of the school. All successive participants have been beaten only in the first round of the event. There has been no one who made it to the second. The events are designed to decide the toughest girl. Maki, Natsumu, Kirei move on to the second round. It’s on! The girls quikly rough it up and the heat is palpable. Nobody knows how it ends!

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