[Miyu Kanade] [SMHO-01] Mite Ranger – 2016/12/23

Starring: Miyu Kanade

Video Director: Kang-syaku

JAV Video ID: SMHO-01

Release Date: 2016/12/23

Total Duration: 75 min

[Mite Pink (after transformation) Insult Part] Mite Pink gets into the room as she chases her enemy Biorater. Then she is suddenly showered nerve gas which become a poison in the body when he/she feels a sexual orgasm. Mite Pink can’t show her original power and is tortured. [Ren Hanamura (before transformation) Torture Part] Biorater deprives Ren of her energy to release her transformation. Moreover Biorater rapes her to deprive her life energy. Ren is taught that she can recover her power by orally ingesting sperm…[Mite Pink Suppression Part] Biorater is beaten by Mite Red and starts pointing its anger at Mite Pink. She is injured with primitive weapons, a club, needle, and rivet. She is forced to release her transformation. She has no chance of winning, so she begs her life and…[Mite Pink Domination Part] Mite Pink drives Biorater into the corner but Biorater enforces his power with drugs. Biorater utilizes Pink’s all weapons. Pink is locked her joints and is enforced her pain with drugs.

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[Miyu Kanade, Urea Sakuraba] [TGGP-80] Divine Beast Force Beast Ranger Targeted Beast Yellow – 2016/11/11

Starring: Miyu Kanade, Urea Sakuraba

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: TGGP-80

Release Date: 2016/11/11

Total Duration: 90 min

Beast Ranger has hardly battled with an evil organization Asura. Asura sends three battle gods to defeat Beast Ranger, specially target at its leader Rinka Kizaki/Beast Yellow. First, Poison Master Godoke attacks Rinka. Beast Yellow is poisoned by a frog, lizard, centipede, snake, and scorpion but manages to defeat Godoke. Next, Vacuum Master Jerinki’s tentacle winds Beast Yellow. Jerinki finds out that the source of Beast Ranger’s power is one mixed spirit and strength, so he tries to deprive Rinka’s spirit and strength. jerinki also attacks her with lesbian play to deprives Rinka’s energy. After Rinka defeats Jerinki, the final enemy Speed Master Winga appears before her. Winga tortures Beast Yellow with overwhelming speed and tears her enforced suit to rape her exhausted body.

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[Miyu Kanade] [GTRL-35] Lingerie Angel Lingeriena G Vol.02 – 2016/11/11

Starring: Miyu Kanade

Video Director: Kang-syaku

JAV Video ID: GTRL-35

Release Date: 2016/11/11

Total Duration: 90 min

A magazine writer Airi yearns Lingeriena D. She has hardly trained and then battled with evils as Lingeriena G. She also gets a lot of scoops as a writer. One day Airi gets a ticket for politicians party which was owned by a gang leader. She feels suspicious and tries to sneak into the party. For some reason she becomes a plate of Nyotaimori (sushi on a woman’s naked body) at the scene of the dealing between evil politician Oshikoji and Secret society Villando. They promote legalization of the drug “Acme” which is recently popular in public. Stop their evil plot! Lingeriena G! [HAPPY END]

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[Miyu Kanade] [STHP-01] Super Heroine in Grave Danger SP Flash Force Sparkman – 2016/09/23

Starring: Miyu Kanade

Video Director: Kang-syaku

JAV Video ID: STHP-01

Release Date: 2016/09/23

Total Duration: 65 min

Lala/Spark Yellow is a member of Flash Force Sparkman. She is isolated by her father and sister who were replaceed their memory by Life Remodeling Empire Maze. Lala is attacked as a mutineer for Maze. Lala is in grave danger because she can’t fight before her father and sister, besides a remodeling monster also attacks her. Is she able to get back their memory and beat Maze? [HAPPY END]

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[Mai Miori, Shijimi] [GSAD-18] SUPER HEROINE Action Wars Sailor Suit Investigator Aska Hoshikaze -Intercept The Sexual Appetite Ghost Devil- – 2016/07/22

Starring: Miyu Kanade, Mai Miori, Shijimi

Video Director: Unatsuki

JAV Video ID: GSAD-18

Release Date: 2016/07/22

Total Duration: 65 min

Jyashin Ghost Tribe plot domination for human world with using human’s evil mind. The heroine Aska Hoshikaze, a Sailor Suit Investigator tries to beat them. She has battled with them to settle accounts with her mother who were also an Investigator. Meanwhile she is ordered new mission. The mysterious case that female students become nymphomaniac after they were attacked by monster. Aska tries to investigate the area where the case happened many times…[BAD END]

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