[Ririsa Meguro, Saori Baba] [ZEOD-63] Big Tits are Justice! Pie Soldier!! -Big Tits Soldier VS Flat Tits Corps- – 2018/09/28

Starring: Ririsa Meguro, Saori Baba, Yuki Tanaka

Video Director: Sosuke Higashimura

JAV Video ID: ZEOD-63

Release Date: 2018/09/28

Total Duration: 75 min

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[Naoko Osako, Haruka Kido] [ZATS-31] Burning Action Super Heroine Chronicles 31 Alice the Galaxy Police – 2018/05/11

Starring: Ririsa Meguro, Haruka Kido, Naoko Osako

Video Director: Sosuke Higashimura

JAV Video ID: ZATS-31

Release Date: 2018/05/11

Total Duration: 60 min

The Galaxy Police Alice and her space aircraft carrier Space Mother is kidnapped by evil organization Gouma while Alice’s partner Galaxy Police Scheider is on patrol the Earth. Alice turn off the aircraft carrier to prevent using by Gouma, however Alice is captured by Ra, a female commander of Gouma, and is violently tortured to be asked how reboot the aircraft carrier. When Alice desperately stands the torture, Great Witch Golgona, female leader of Gouma, who destroyed Alice’s mother planet Phoenix appears. Alice stands Golgona’s torture and escapes from the base of Gouma, but she is attacked by Ra again while Scheider is going to the space peace conference as a security guard. The hell monster Manmer was born from a Torture Insect which absorbed Alice’s energy when Alice was tortured by Golgona. If Manmer is damaged, Alice is also damaged as well. Is Alice able to defeat Ra?

CLICK TO GET "ZATS31BurningActionSuperHeroineChronicles31AlicetheGalaxyPolice20180511 part 1.avi" FROM FBOOM.ME

CLICK TO GET "ZATS31BurningActionSuperHeroineChronicles31AlicetheGalaxyPolice20180511 part 2.avi" FROM FBOOM.ME

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