[Ami Hayamiya, Sayuri Ichimatu] [JOVD-23] Heroine Killer Hunter Superwoman Pulser One – The Demise of Pulser One – Here Comes The Evilest Monster Killer Hunter! – 2012/01/13

Starring: Ami Hayamiya, Sayuri Ichimatu

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: JOVD-23

Release Date: 2012/01/13

Total Duration: 67 min

Two girls―Asuka Shiroto(means hopeful scent around a castle), and Marina Shiratori(means a white bird with a truth)―once beat Galga at their childhood after they transformed themselves into the Pulsar-One together. But Galga said to revive certainly ten years later, and disappeared. Then, ten years have passed, Asuka has grown away from Marina. And one day she solely comes to a place where Galga disappeared. The moment Auska leaves the place after nothing was happen and she guessed it was just needless fear, Galga revitalizes. Galga notices a girl right before the eyes is Asuka who’s grown up, and attacks her. Auska is driven into a deadly corner, but she’s rescued by Marina who has also cared about what Galga said in its last moment. Asuka and Marina try to transform themselves into the Pulsar-One together, but Marina suddenly hesitates to unite with Asuka, so that they cannot join forces, and they find themselves in a jam. But Marina puts on the strengthening suit which has created for this day, and somehow succeeds in repulsing Galga. And after that Marina tells Asuka her own honest feeling, and eliminates vexations between them. On the other hand, Galga returns to the old secret base and collects grudges of evil creatures that were beaten by the Pulsar-One till then, and produces the worst and most vicious evil creatures named the Killer-Hunter. Asuka is lured by Galga and falls into crisis, but she is again rescued by Marina and they transform themselves into the Pulsar-One. But the attack of the Pulsar-One doesn’t affect the Killer-Hunter, and the Pulsar-One is knocked out and its energy is sucked and it’s beaten completely. And the Pulsar-One returns to Asuka and Marina, and what is waiting for them is a moment of death with intense pain.

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[Naoko Oosako, Sayuri Ichimatu] [JOVD-20] Heroine Domination Hell – Death End Vampire Ray – 2011/10/14

Starring: Sayuri Ichimatu, Naoko Oosako

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: JOVD-20

Release Date: 2011/10/14

Total Duration: 90 min

Maki, a lesbian leader of a vampire clan, sets her lustful eyes on a girl named Rei, and turns her into a vampire by sucking her blood. After escaping from Maki, Rei becomes a heroine of justice feeding on the blood of the baddies she kills. But chasers from the clan close in on her, and two assassins Sid and Maya attack her. Rei fights a tough fight and manages to defeat them. Then she encounters someone she had never expected to meet again. It is Makoto, brother of Rei’s junior Misa. Misa happened to be with Rei when they were captured by Maki before. Makoto, bent on revenge for the death of his sister, had become a vampire hunter. He holds a strong hatred for Rei because, though he thought Rei was dead when she and Misa were attacked, Rei alone came back as a vampire herself. What vengeful Makoto doesn’t know is, though she was made a vampire, Rei abhorred the idea of becoming Maki’s, and refused to drink human’s blood, but when she got blood thirsty, Rei was tricked into biting and killing Misa, whose neck was put close to the mouth of blindfolded Rei. Feeling guilty and responsible for the death of her friend, Rei is unable to fight Makoto, who puts her to torture using a cross. Maki then shows up and tells the vampire hunter what really happened. Makoto releases Rei and fights Maki. Rei escapes, but comes back to help Makoto, only to be confronted by Makoto, who is turned a vampire.

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