[Serina Minami] [JMSZ-18] Heroine Brainwash Beautiful Girl Artemis Z – 2014/04/25

Starring: Serina Minami

Video Director: Masayoshi Shiki

JAV Video ID: JMSZ-18

Release Date: 2014/04/25

Total Duration: 61 min

The deadly cyborg Urugias finishes Special Agent Haruka, but Professor Hoshino rescues her. She is transformed into Cyborg Warrior Artemis Z to stop the chaos. She battles against Urugias once again, but he uses an EMP wave to stop her. Without the endorphin, Urugias is in great pain. He decides to make Artemis Z his sex slave. Due to the brainwashing machine, Artemis Z is controlled and unwillingly attacks Professor Hoshino. She tries to regain consciousness by disarming the Energy Limiter. But the Nanomachine, which entered her body, controls her and forces her to obey Urugias. Artemis then holds Urugias’ penis in her mouth…

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[Serina Minami] [THP-53] Superheroine In Grave Danger Vol.53 Spandexer – 2014/04/11

Starring: Serina Minami

Video Director: Masayoshi Shiki

JAV Video ID: THP-53

Release Date: 2014/04/11

Total Duration: 63 min

Spandexer, the princess of Planet Omega, is a super heroine fighting in Earth. One day, a terrible blizzard comes to Earth. This was all a scheme by Snowza, the King of the Ice Planet. He was trying to make Earth the same environment as his home planet. Spandexer finds where Snowza is and battles against him but gets easily knocked down. Just when he was about to finish her, Spandexer’s old friend Chibilin shows up to assist her. But Spandexer gets captured by the Cryptonyte net and Snowza’s torture begins. Will Spandexer be able to save the planet from the Ice King? [HAPPY END]

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[Serina Minami] [GVRD-36] Masked Sister Maria – 2014/03/28

Starring: Serina Minami

Video Director: Masayoshi Shiki

JAV Video ID: GVRD-36

Release Date: 2014/03/28

Total Duration: 64 min

Sister Maria used to fight as a mercenary; but after saving Father Cornelias, she joins the Orgas Knights as Masked Sister Maria. The people of Orgas admire Maria but King Cronos claims Masked Sister Maria and the Orgas Knights are heathens in order to restore the people’s trust against the government. Just then, Marco’s father gets captured for being a member of the Orgas Knights. Maria heads to the castle to rescue him but this was a trap set up by Cronos.

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[STAK-19] Succubus Hunter – 2014/05/23

Starring: Serina Minami

JAV Video ID: STAK-19

Release Date: 2014/05/23

Total Duration: 82 min

Two years ago, it seemed as if the battle between Marrigan Easeland and Distra Multinus has ended with Marrigan getting raped. But Marrigan stands up to get a revenge on him. She defeats the two of the three legendary soldiers of Distra’s forces. Now she is up against the final soldier, Wilza! But her body is exhausted from the successive battles. She is defeated by Wilza’s sorcery… She meets Distra again but has no chance to fight back.

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CLICK TO GET "STAK19SuccubusHunter20140523 part 2.mkv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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