[Bondage, イラマチオ] [PRTD-008] The S&M Narcotics Investigation Squad Only 2 Hours Until I'm Rescued, I'll Never Give Up Sho Nishino – 2017/12/16

Starring: Sho Nishino

Video Director: Kitorune Kawaguchi

JAV Video ID: PRTD-008

Release Date: 2017/12/16

Total Duration: 118 min

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[Mature JAV, 熟女] [JUY-063] My Son's Bratty Classmates Tied Me Up and Raped Me… Sho Nishino – 2017/01/12

Starring: Sho Nishino

Video Director: Eitaro Hagae

JAV Video ID: JUY-063

Release Date: 2017/01/12

Total Duration: 117 min

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[ドラマ, Humiliation] [RBD-678] Slave-Colored Stage 27 Sho Nishino – 2015/05/03

Starring: Sho Nishino

Video Director: hands bound behind one's back

JAV Video ID: RBD-678

Release Date: 2015/05/03

Total Duration: 125 min

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[寝取り, 陵辱] [SSPD-121] Degradation On The Silver Screen Sho Nishino – 2015/07/04

Starring: Sho Nishino, Ai Narita

Video Director: Kitorune Kawaguchi

JAV Video ID: SSPD-121

Release Date: 2015/07/04

Total Duration: 118 min

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[伊沢涼子, 西野翔] [RBD-894] New Slave Police Inspector 3 Sad Avenger – 2018/03/24

Starring: Miki Yoshii, Ryoko Izawa, Miki Yoshii, Akane Mochida, Sho Nishino

Video Director: hands bound behind one's back

JAV Video ID: RBD-894

Release Date: 2018/03/24

Total Duration: 87 min

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[Sho Nishino] [ZARDF-88] Giant Maid Robot VS. Tentacle Monster【English Dubbed version】 – 2010/01/12

Starring: Sho Nishino

Video Director: Toru Kikkawa

JAV Video ID: ZARDF-88

Release Date: 2010/01/12

Total Duration: 70 min

Angela and Emma, cosmic criminals, have come to the earth, chasing after a cosmic witch Barbara. Barbara tricks them, disbands the two and kills Angela miserably. Emma the Maid Robo is captured by Barbara who searches her body from top to toe. Houka Chikushi, who happens to pass by while making a short cut to hurry for her side work, bumps into them. Houka helps the Maid Robo out of her pinch and invites attacks from the cosmic witch. Tied up with Maid Robo, Houka fights off the cosmic witch, who, however, is so angered as to send the Tentacle Monster to revenge. Houka, slipping into the giant Maid Robo and driving it, battles with Tentacle Monster. But she has the risk of being hurt as the robot gets damaged, as if Houka herself has grown her body gigantic. The monstrous tentacles strangle her body as the poisonous venom hurts her. Moreover, the cosmic witch now sneaks into the driving chamber and torments Houka. How will Houka get away from the fix…!?

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[Sho Nishino, Risika Yuu] [ZARD-99] Super Metal Beaut Vol.2 – 2010/05/14

Starring: Sho Nishino, Risika Yuu

Video Director: Toru Kikkawa

JAV Video ID: ZARD-99

Release Date: 2010/05/14

Total Duration: 83 min

With a help of her sister Yayoi, Himiko Godwarrior could transform into Super Metal Beaut and defeat the gigantic beast of Amareros, but she discovers her body is no longer that of a normal human being. When Himiko tells the doctor what is happening to her body, he reveals the truths to her. She receives the shocking news bravely in front of everyone, but when left alone with Yayoi, she bursts into tears in her bosom and sadly says, “Let me cry for now.” In the meanwhile, Amateros’ vice-commander Suganoo has been hatching a sinister plot. She wants to kill Himiko, but not before inflicting unbearable pain on her. When the gigantic beast appears again, Yayoi sets out to attack riding the Skyral. Himiko also tries to fight, but when transforming into Super Metal Beaut, she is interrupted by Suganoo. Yayoi, fighting the enemy alone in the Skyral, waits for Himiko’s transformation, but Yayoi is caught and knocked out by the gigantic beast, and is taken to the enemy hideout. Suganoo also leaves after beating up Himiko, who is unable to fight back as her sister is taken hostage. When Himiko returns to the base, she receives a message from Amateros, showing her captured sister in a capsule. Himiko sets out to rescue Yayoi no matter what it takes, but a nasty trap awaits the courageous heroine. [HAPPY END]

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[Sho Nishino, Risika Yuu] [ZARD-98] Super Metal Beaut Vol.1 – 2010/04/23

Starring: Risika Yuu, Sho Nishino

Video Director: Toru Kikkawa

JAV Video ID: ZARD-98

Release Date: 2010/04/23

Total Duration: 66 min

A queen of the Wicked-Evil-Based-Nation has revived, and she takes out the gigantic-grudge-riding beast and plots world domination! Although a girl named Himiko Godwarrior fights against it, she gets seriously injured. But now she is brought to life as a cyborg ”HIMIKO(it’s a same name as an ancient queen HIMOKO in Japan)”! Her lovely younger sister, Yayoi(means an ancient period when a queen HIMIKO lived) also controls a mechanical vehicle called the Skyral-Ship, and helps HIMIKO. HIMIKO unites her fists to transform herself into a cyborg and succeed in beating the army crops, however, simultaneously she is in pain and gets damaged with the leser beams emitted by the gigantic-grudge-riding beast and she is driven into a crucial situation…But suddenly, from the Skyral-Ship controlled by her younger sister, Yayoi, a gigantic robot named ”The Metal-Viewuirt”, its hands-and-feet and body jump out and unite with HIMIKO. Now she transforms herself into the head of the gigantic robot, controlling it, and she succeeds in beating the gigantic-grudge-riding beast! But Himiko Godwarrior loses the happiness as a woman personally and feels suffering for living as a cyborg…

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[Risika Yuu, Sho Nishino] [CGBD-36] Gravure idol Overcoming Crises! – Code name Minerva Neo : Scary Tsuriganeizuma – 2010/07/09

Starring: Sho Nishino, Risika Yuu

Video Director: Toru Kikkawa

JAV Video ID: CGBD-36

Release Date: 2010/07/09

Total Duration: 67 min

The Mystic Integral Secret Service (a hidden perfect secret service), the abbreviated name is MISS. This global organization has been organized in order to protect VIPs from assassinations of an evil group named the Egoisma. The investigators wrap themselves in special strengthening suits and must not reveal the true characters to anyone before their transformation. Here is one MISS named Hina Kyujo(means nine streams with shinning greens), who hides her true character intently and fights against the vicious Egoisma. Her code name is the Minerva. Immediately after she fights against combatants of the Egoisma, she meets a lovely girl who wanders about on the street in one leotard, then the tale begins to roll… a name of a still 14-year-old lovely girl is Rei Mitsuki(means a nil beautiful moon). Her young flesh which has supernatural power has been aimed at. Though Hina(before transforming the Minerva) fights against the Egoisma strenuously in order to protect Rei Mitsuki, an iron monster named Tsuriganeizma (means a sort of a hanging bell) forwarded by the foe’s female cadre named Ilse is so strong! And it’s a monster which has tried to efface memory of Rei Mitsuki and to brainwash her as a supernatural power soldier of the Egoisma… Then, a fury and a feeling of justice make Hina break the rule of MISS which must not reveal the true character, and she transforms herself into the Minerva in front of Rei Mitsuki! However, the damage of the left breast received before the transformation troubles the flesh of Hina (the Minerva) which wraps herself in the strengthening suit… The Minerva, who is defeated in the battle against Tsuriganeizma, receives the torture which makes it find out about the information on MISS, and the brainwash of Rei Mitsuki is resumed… Well, how is two persons’ fate going to be…!?

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[Sho Nishino, Yoshiko Hasegawa] [CGBD-39] Akiballion Shadow Vol.2 – 2010/10/08

Starring: Sho Nishino, Yoshiko Hasegawa, You Kawana

Video Director: Kanzo Matsuura

JAV Video ID: CGBD-39

Release Date: 2010/10/08

Total Duration: 65 min

Though Katana was finally able to become Akiballion Shadow Moon, Jinrai is injured during the fight with Byakko. In the sickbed Jinrai unveils the history of the Akiba Clan to Katana and Shiyuri, and the two girls renew their resolutions. Meanwhile, the Shigai Clan attacks the town of Akihabara in order to lure away Akiballion Shadow who is the main obstacle to their plans. Katana and Shiyuri rush to the scene and defeat Shi-nin, but suddenly Shiyuri starts attacking Katana! Manipulated by dark magic of Genbu, the two girls fight each other. Can Akiballion Shadow break the magic spell of Genbu!? And can they stop their old enemy Seiryu’s heinous plans!? Battle that decides the future of Akihabara is about to begin….

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