[You Kawana, Sho Nishino] [CGBD-38] Akiballion Shadow Vol.1 – 2010/09/24

Starring: Sho Nishino, Yoshiko Hasegawa, You Kawana

Video Director: Kanzo Matsuura

JAV Video ID: CGBD-38

Release Date: 2010/09/24

Total Duration: 61 min

Some hundred years ago, when Akihabara was known as a place for the bad, the Akiba Clan and the Shigai Clan were hard at war. And, in the modern days at Akihabara, a new war has been declared! The Shigai Clan, with their state-of-the-art technology, starts pouring in hatred in town to conquer the world! The wise old chief of the Akiba Clan commits the Ninja girls, Katana Tsukishiro and Shiyuri Hoshigaki, of the Akiba Clan to the task of preserving peace on earth. Katana and Shiyuri, transforming themselves into Akiballion Shadow with the up-to-date weaponry finally completed, challenge gallantly their long-time foe Shigai Clan!

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[Arisa Taki, Sho Nishino] [ZDAD-18] Angel-like Nurses Lethal Angel – Evil Mouthwilther’s Trap! – 2011/01/14

Starring: Arisa Taki, Sho Nishino

Video Director: Toru Kikkawa

JAV Video ID: ZDAD-18

Release Date: 2011/01/14

Total Duration: 77 min

The bonds of Miyako(means a capital) and Makoto(means a true Japanese harp) has become strong. However, Miyako has frequently revived nightmares about her experience in which she had the virus shot in the past, and suffers a lot in pain. On the other hand, Makoto begins to suffer from the dilemma because even if she has the ability to release Miyako from the nightmares but she is not allowed. Then, one day Nishigami(means God in west) suddenly appears in front of Makoto. Makoto knows that a man shot the virus to Miyako is Nishigami, so she forgets herself in anger and chases after him. But it’s a trap of the Nishigami. Nishigami appears in front of Makoto who is decoyed out to ruins and he transforms himself into the Mouse-Wilzer, and beats Makoto and orders her to transform herself into the Lethal-Angel. Makoto is shaken by her true character being known, however she transforms herself into the Lethal-Angel and fights against the Mouse-Wilzer but she is defeated. And later, images of Makoto who is being captured and tortured are sent to Miyako. Miyako is called and told that if she doesn’t thoroughly see the images of Makoto who is being tortured, Makoto will be executed, so Miyako is forced to see the brutal images. After Miyako sees the images, she starts suffering in pain, and suddenly her hand is truning into a demon one and then her whole body is about to turn into a demon. However, it stops only at the hand having become the demon one because dying Makoto appears there. Miyako regains her senses, seeing Makoto who clings her and tells her that don’t lose the battle, but Nishigami shows the scenes in which transformation of the Lethal-Angel has been canceled and turned into Makoto, and Miyako is shocked to see the images. Though Miyako tries to forgive Makoto intently, the hand which has once become the demon one takes in anger of Miyako and she attacks Makoto. Miyako desperately tries to suppress her right evil hand which wounds Makoto against her will but she cannot do, so she tells Makoto that she should transform herself and beat her, Miyako. Makoto transforms herself but she gets damaged without hitting on Miyako due to the one-side defensive-battle. Then, Miyako comes up with one idea. Miyako should be knocked out temporally, and the meantime, Makoto beats the Mouse-Wilzer. The Lethal-Angel, who fights against the Mouse-Wilzer by 1 to 1, seems to get a chance of victory while she has a close game. However, the Mouse-Wilzer starts controlling fainted Miyako and makes her attack Makoto. The Lethal-Angel has a close game in a battle of 2 to 1 and seems to be defeated mostly, but Miyako wakes up at the last minute, taking the demon’s hand as her power and getting power together with the Lethal-Angel, succeeding in beating the Mouse-Wilzer. Two girls overcome the ordeal of the battle… But the real battle has just started now!

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[Arisa Taki, Sho Nishino] [ZDAD-17] Angel-like Nurses – Risal Angel – Despicable! There Comes Roach Wilther! – 2010/12/24

Starring: Arisa Taki, Sho Nishino

Video Director: Toru Kikkawa

JAV Video ID: ZDAD-17

Release Date: 2010/12/24

Total Duration: 66 min

People in Tokyo are living in fear because of the recent virus outbreak in the metropolis. The virus turns infected humans into monsters by multiplying their malice, and to make matters worse, only the most evil criminals can be affected by it. Those criminals rather rejoice in becoming monsters than mourn their fate, as they can abuse their newly gained powers to commit more atrocious crimes. Metropolitan Police Department and Ministry of Defense have named the virus ”Devil Virus,” and formed a new unit to counteract the epidemic. Miyako Hayami is one of the members of the unit, and she has special abilities to detect those who are infected by the virus. As the senior members of organization come to know that, a nurse named Makoto is assigned as Miyako’s partner. Miyako is not happy about it as she wanted a cop, not a nurse, but Miyako recognizes Makoto’s superb ability to detect and heal those who have just infected before it is too late, and reluctantly accepts her as her new partner. One day a vengeful man Kamizawa, whose cohort was once arrested by Miyako, is infected by Devil Virus. Miyako realizes the infected patient is Kamizawa himself, who is responsible for the death of her supervisor. Enraged Miyako refuses to obey Makoto trying to stop her. Miyako chases and drives him into corner, but Kamizawa is also poised to exact his revenge on Miyako for the loss of his partner in crime. Miyako attempts to arrest Kamizawa, but she suffers great pain as Devil Virus within her body gets activated because of her hatred against the man. Kamizawa, on the other hand, embraces his new body and the extraordinary forces given by the virus, and he beats up Miyako, transforms into the monster Roach Wilther. Roach captures Miyako and takes her to his lair. Now a demonic monster, Kamizawa intends to slowly kill Miyako, giving her pain and fear, making her uncomfortable and exhausted, by using ”torture roaches” that stick to a human body to absorb life energy and discharge it as electricity. Makoto, who learned of her predicament from her boss, tries to locate Miyako’s whereabouts, but Roach Wilther anticipates her move because of her blunder before transformation. Though Makoto is forced to take a tough fight as she cannot transform in front of Miyako, she catches the enemy off his guard and rescues her. Miyako frees Makoto and continues to fight, while Makoto becomes Lethal Angel and defeats Roach Wilther, but her body and mind are exhausted, completely spent. (To be continued in ”Evil! Mouse Wilther”)

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[Risika Yuu, Sho Nishino] [CGBD-37] Gravure Idol Overcoming Crises! – Codename Minerva Neo : Cold Blood Hitodeisma – 2010/08/13

Starring: Sho Nishino, Risika Yuu

Video Director: Toru Kikkawa

JAV Video ID: CGBD-37

Release Date: 2010/08/13

Total Duration: 70 min

Though severely wounded and quite exhausted, she is helped by her friend and police detective Sawajiri, and starts to reveal everything…. And she has to free the brainwashed beautiful girl Rei Mitsuki, who has the supernatural power called Force, from the clutches of evil. Now brainwashed Rei confronts Hina together with a starfish monster Hitodeisma, and she attacks Hina using evil Force that strangles her neck, and electric shocks that hit her injured left breast. Hitodeisma’s starfish attack blinds her with the monster’s starfishes sticking to her face mask, and the cunning monster Hitodeisma beats up Hina / Minerva, delighting in his sneaky attack on her…. Minerva passes out, is captured and brought to the lair of the organization, and she is tortured by the enemy who wants information about MISS or The Mystic Integral Secret Service (hidden perfect secret service). Hitodeisma shrinks himself to microscopic size, enters her body through the mouth and becomes a parasite torturing her from inside. Hina’s trained body starts to twitch, as she is almost driven crazy because of the unbearable pains that are more than her body can take…. In the meanwhile, hearing the cry of tortured Hina, Rei still doesn’t know what to do, wavering between good and evil. Hina Kyujo is in great peril now, and the only one who can save her is Rei, or the last remnants of her conscience….

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[Sho Nishino] [ZARD-88] Giant Maid Robot VS. Tentacle Monster – 2009/11/27

Starring: Sho Nishino

Video Director: Toru Kikkawa

JAV Video ID: ZARD-88

Release Date: 2009/11/27

Total Duration: 75 min

Angela and Emma, cosmic criminals, have come to the earth, chasing after a cosmic witch Barbara. Barbara tricks them, disbands the two and kills Angela miserably. Emma the Maid Robo is captured by Barbara who searches her body from top to toe. Houka Chikushi, who happens to pass by while making a short cut to hurry for her side work, bumps into them. Houka helps the Maid Robo out of her pinch and invites attacks from the cosmic witch. Tied up with Maid Robo, Houka fights off the cosmic witch, who, however, is so angered as to send the Tentacle Monster to revenge. Houka, slipping into the giant Maid Robo and driving it, battles with Tentacle Monster. But she has the risk of being hurt as the robot gets damaged, as if Houka herself has grown her body gigantic. The monstrous tentacles strangle her body as the poisonous venom hurts her. Moreover, the cosmic witch now sneaks into the driving chamber and torments Houka. How will Houka get away from the fix…!?

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