[企画, 凌辱] [SVDVD-146] 陵辱!超高級公衆肉便器2 つぼみ – 2011/01/10

Starring: つぼみ

JAV Video ID: SVDVD-146

Release Date: 2011/01/10

Total Duration: 137 min

超癒し系女優・つぼみに交際を迫って断られた監督が逆上、腹いせにつぼみを眠らせ人通りの多い公衆トイレに拘束してしまう。用をたしにきた作業員風の男に視姦されるのを皮切りに、次々とトイレにやって来るガテン系の男たちに陵辱されるつぼみ。体中をまさぐられ、口臭のきつい口で顔中を舐めまわされ、おマンコ大開帳の写メをとられ、全身にションベンをかけられ、野菜やローター、バイブ、ドリルバイブ、そして肉体労働の汗にまみれた汚いチンポまで挿入されてしまう! 回避不能の怒涛の快楽に身も心も委ねたとき、癒しの天使は性欲処理の肉便器と化してゆく。

CLICK TO GET "SVDVD146220110110.part1.rar" FROM FBOOM.ME

CLICK TO GET "SVDVD146220110110.part2.rar" FROM FBOOM.ME

[つぼみ, SOFT ON DEMAND] [SDMS-395] SOD Rape Hospital PREMIUM – 2009/03/11

Starring: Akane Mochida, Nene, Rimu Himeno, Asami, Hikari Hino, Eri Arai, Eri Akira, Yuka Osawa, Tsubomi, Anna Kosaka

Video Director: Hao * Minami

JAV Video ID: SDMS-395

Release Date: 2009/03/11

Total Duration: 139 min

CLICK TO GET "SDMS395SODRapeHospitalPREMIUM20090311.part1.rar" FROM FBOOM.ME

CLICK TO GET "SDMS395SODRapeHospitalPREMIUM20090311.part2.rar" FROM FBOOM.ME

[森下くるみ, 小澤マリア] [DDT-476] TOHJIRO: The Complete Works Vol. 1: Deep Throat – 2014/12/12

Video Director: TOHJIRO

JAV Video ID: DDT-476

Release Date: 2014/12/12

Total Duration: 260 min

CLICK TO GET "DDT476TOHJIROTheCompleteWorksVol1DeepThroat20141212.rar" FROM FBOOM.ME

[Tsubomi, Arisa Suzuki] [GXXD-85] Smile! Melpure! Rainbow Fantasy – 2011/01/28

Starring: Tsubomi, Arisa Suzuki

Video Director: Unatsuki

JAV Video ID: GXXD-85

Release Date: 2011/01/28

Total Duration: 123 min

Hina, once a despaired girl of pure heart but turned into Evil Soul, an incarnation of destruction, is roaming the parallel world, trying to destroy the whole world. As Soul reaches a new world, she meets Pure Iris, a warrior whose job is to defend the world. Iris, with a strong mind of justice and a serious character, is a warrior living as a student usually. When Iris corners the enemy Darist at last, Evil Soul makes an appearance that gives Darist a break for assaulting Iris back. But, Soul takes the lead and Darist retreats. Displeased, Soul takes her leave, saying ”see you again”. After hearing about Evil Soul from her partner Fairy Nanaly, Iris thinks deeply about how to save Evil Soul without beating her down. Then, Iris happens to meet Soul again. Transformed, Iris tries to stop Soul from destroying, but she is beat by Soul under overwhelming force. With Iris taken as prisoner, Soul toys around with Iris to enjoy. But, the two MelPures fall into the trap set by Darist who has been conspiring secretly to capture a MelPure. Soul and Iris, now in Darist’s hands, are groped one by one by Darist. Under persistent torture, two MelPures can do nothing but to show up their true characters. Will Iris be able to overcome the secret hidden in the justice warrior…? [Bad ending]

CLICK TO GET "GXXD85SmileMelpureRainbowFantasy20110128.avi" FROM FBOOM.ME