[Tubaki Kato] [SPSB-34] Aged Beauty Warrior Ms. Milkredible: Revengeance Corruption – 2024/01/12


Starring: Tubaki Kato

Video Director: Masayoshi Shiki

JAV Video ID: SPSB-34

Release Date: 2024/01/12

Total Duration: 110 min

Milkredible/Nao Hazuki is a former investigator who transformed and fought against evil! One day, she corners a criminal as usual, but the criminal fights back with a rare gun. He defeats the culprit despite receiving damage, but the gun turns out to be a gun developed by an evil scientist that Millecredible killed in the past! Akura, the younger sister of the evil scientist Akura-Bouza, creates the android Bouza with her brother’s memories implanted in it and begins her revenge on Milkredible. After being defeated by the android Bouza, Milkredible is shaming played! [BAD ENDING]




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[Yui Misaki, Tubaki Kato] [GHKP-14] Black Dress Temptation Vol.10 -Holy Light Fall into the Darkness- – 2017/08/25

Starring: Aoi Mizutani, Yui Misaki, Tubaki Kato

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GHKP-14

Release Date: 2017/08/25

Total Duration: 125 min

Justice holy fighter Saint Flash cooperates with her colleague Saint Spark and finally beats her rival Dark Queen. Dark Queen screams a cry of death throes and disappears. Then the evil costume of Dark Queen is left there. Saint Flash minds the costume and takes it home. She is fascinated with the evil costume and try to wear it although she feels guilty. Saint Flash is charmed her own appearance wearing an evil costume. She masturbates her own body thinking about Saint Spark because she secretly loves Saint Spark immorally. Saint Flash tries to stop her masturbation but she can’t stop it for some reason. She surprises to see her own body in the mirror because she can see Dark Queen besides her…[BAD END]

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[Tubaki Kato] [TRE-83] Heroine Insult Vol.83 Lady Crow – 2015/08/14

Starring: Tubaki Kato

Video Director: Takashi Mutsuki

JAV Video ID: TRE-83

Release Date: 2015/08/14

Total Duration: 90 min

When Kazami Hibiki was young, her parents were killed before her eyes. Due to that incident, her life changes drastically. Every night, Kazami wears the sexy constume to eliminate the evil. It doesn’t matter whether the police are after them; she eliminates the ones who she wants to eliminate. Her battle will not end until the day she erases all evil… But her problems were bigger than she expected… After defeating evil, her body begins to itch. Kazami masturbates alone in her secret base. ‘My final day as Lady Crow will be…’ This is a secret she cannot tell anyone. But Kouzai Group, the group with supernatural powers, stand in her way. A dog with mind reading skills, a monkey with fantastic strength, a pheasant with mind controls. ‘She will be a great tool for us.’ Lady Crow must fight against the monsters and… The secret meeting in the public lavatory… Getting raped by a normal citizen and…![BAD END]

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[Tubaki Kato] [GHPM-07] Female Investigator vs. Monsters – Yuko Higuchi’s Case File – 2015/07/24

Starring: Tubaki Kato

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: GHPM-07

Release Date: 2015/07/24

Total Duration: 60 min

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[Tubaki Kato] [GIRO-84] Sailor Cronos Showery Insult Torture – 2015/05/22

Starring: Tubaki Kato

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: GIRO-84

Release Date: 2015/05/22

Total Duration: 65 min

Sailor Cronoss, the heroine with perennial youth, fights against demons and works as sales staff. After defeating a demon, she reports to her boss about Maruo’s improper billing and gets him fired. Zaou tries to steal Sailor Cronoss’ perrinial youth by using Maruo… Misako tries to transform into Sailor Cronoss Maruo stops her. Cronoss is poisoned by Maruo and she is damaged heavily. Zao gathers the people who hate Misako and rapes her…

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[Tubaki Kato] [GEXP-18] Heroine Surrenders – SUPER WOMAN version – 2011/08/26

Starring: Tubaki Kato

Video Director: Takashi Mutsuki

JAV Video ID: GEXP-18

Release Date: 2011/08/26

Total Duration: 96 min

Here is a woman who flies in comfort while hanging the mantle over…She’s the SUPER∇WOMAN. Actually she is the one blows evils, while she has an outside face of Japan’s representative of the Olympic Games for rhythmic gymnastics. Today also she lightly beats a monster send by Callaghan-Du-Gulfuss who is an alien plotting to take over the earth. Then, a man named Kuh Esmeralda suddenly appears there. He’s called the SUPER-GUY. He’s the same sheriff of the Galaxy Harmful Beast Extermination and also a lover of the SUPER∇WOMAN. Now Callaghan comes up with a good idea which can reverse his ongoing plight considered to be desperate situation apparently. ’…Well, it could be going fine…!’ The fire lid of the strategy of once in a lifetime by Callaghan is struck after succeeding in controlling the SUPER-GUY with the skillful trap at last: A violent fight against a gigantic man named Vereza, Being raped by the SUPER-GUY, The all body is flooded and being wet with a solution of her weak point ore ’Falconum’, and The shameful pig nose torture to scent the smell of nasty pants…! However, an absolute crueler submission is awaiting her…! It’s very clear…to tear off her mantle…! ’Please! …Do anything but that, eeeeeeek!!!’ What’s going to happen to the girl!? The SUPER∇WOMAN!!!

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[Tubaki Kato, Chieri Sakurai] [TGGP-44] Sailor Prism Ⅲ – Sailor Fighter Brainwashed and Insulted Becoming a Stone – 2012/11/23

Starring: NozomiAiuchi, Tubaki Kato, Chieri Sakurai

Video Director: Toru Sakata

JAV Video ID: TGGP-44

Release Date: 2012/11/23

Total Duration: 86 min

The three of Girlie Warriors of Sailor Prism have assembled. They are Sailor Priest, warrior of love, Sailor Medium, warrior of water, and Sailor Wizard, warrior of flames. The evil specters that materialized before the three Sailors are totally different from those in the past. The Dark Warrior Gorgon, who hunts down the three Sailors and beats them completely, has the power to turn everyone into stone… Sailor Wizard, the warrior of flames, with the mightiest battling power, is immobilized by having her legs petrified, molested and raped. She is the first captive to lure Sailor Priest and Sailor Medium into the trap by. The two Sailors go into the trap knowingly to save their peer. Determined to fight despite the risk, they are fearless and strong. Gorgon, transformed into Sailor Wizard, closes in on Priest and Medium to capture them. The sacred bodies of the two warriors are thrown to specters for molestation. Gorgon turns Sailors into stones and screws them one by one. Sailor Priest, warrior of love, petrified in a shameful pose, is groped and screwed, crying out in pain while looking on her peers writhe in agony, feeling her sacred body destroyed and conceding complete defeat of the three Sailor Prism warriors. The king of the devildom adorns the devildom with the three Sailors petrified as if in bronze… [Bad ending]

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[Tubaki Kato] [SKOT-03] Heroine Peeing her Pants – 2012/12/28

Starring: Tubaki Kato

Video Director: Toru Sakata

JAV Video ID: SKOT-03

Release Date: 2012/12/28

Total Duration: 85 min

[Galaxy Police Mary] Galaxy Police Galaban is captured by the enemy! The only person who can rescue him is his partner, Mary. Mary injects a power-up medicine beforehand but it goes out of effect just when she corners him. And the side-effect…
[Daina Woman] Daina Woman is captured and tortured. She tries to bear the brutal torment but she wets her pants.
[Ninja] A ninja wets her pants from fear. The enemy takes away the poisonous drug so she cannot suicide…
[Miss Exceed] Miss Exceed was shot in the crotch by the monster during the battle. She wants to go to the restroom but…

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[Tubaki Kato, Iikura Erika] [GEXP-30] Rape Hunter Development Project Vol.1 File 1 – Dark Kill Panther – 2011/12/23

Starring: Erika Iikura, Tubaki Kato

Video Director: Takashi Mutsuki

JAV Video ID: GEXP-30

Release Date: 2011/12/23

Total Duration: 68 min

The slaughter weapon ’the Prototype Zero-Nine’ has been brought forth by chance in process of military arms development. Soon, it’s given the name of the Dark-Kill Panther(DKP), and begins to prey on super heroines of every county one after another. Heroines in the U.S. have been terminated in an instant, and it freshly targets at heroines in Japan…like our SUPER▼WOMAN, who assaults evils with the Shiner-Pink. One day she fights against men who have attached the unit chapter on their arms, which she doesn’t get used to see. The name described there is ’the Hound-Dragoon.’ It’s a new type of a violent private army which has been rumored. And soon uneasiness of the SUPER▼WOMAN becomes a reality. She witnesses cruelly murdered Shiner-Pink…and DKP also soundlessly appears behind of her. By the battle in water, the SUPER▼WOMAN is wounded in the ribs. Then, ’Stretch Plum(twisting a head while twisting a lower body the other way around)’, ’Arm Bar Cross-Breaking’, ’STF(step-over toehold with face-lock)’, ’Camel Clutch’…she becomes a game of pro wrestling techniques with no time to breathe. And she is raped hard and long with various acrobatic postures. Then, DKP’s evil white turbidity liquid completely eliminates the SUPER▼WOMAN’s black eyes…! Come on, stand up, our SUPER▼WOMAN! If you fall…who can protect this world!?

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