[Urea Sakuraba, Rei Tokunaga] [GHKO-36] SPANDEXER5 -The Losing Ability! Training for Moon Angel!- – 2017/02/10

Starring: Reiko Kobayakawa, Urea Sakuraba, Rei Tokunaga

Video Director: Ginta Jinji

JAV Video ID: GHKO-36

Release Date: 2017/02/10

Total Duration: 85 min

Moon Angel was captured in the exile planet “Ekia 602” after separating with her sisters. She continuously tries to escape from the dark space where she is raped, but she is captured by prison guards. She is toyed and squeezed her all energy by them. Zora’s special training starts. Moon Angel’s body and soul are in the extreme situation and she is driven into the corner. “Unfortunately, I already know everything what you think.” “No… the spot is…, Aha…I’m coming…!”

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[Ichika Hayano, Yuri Momose] [GGTB-32] Heroine Cunnilingus Torture Misa Akashi Superwoman Sharan – 2017/01/27

Starring: Yuri Momose, Urea Sakuraba, Ichika Hayano

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: GGTB-32

Release Date: 2017/01/27

Total Duration: 95 min

-Ghost Agent Misa Akashi Part-

Agent Misa has fought with ghosts who commit a wrongdoing to humans. Misa rescues a woman who were attacked by Ghost Namenba, but Misa is captured. The Ghost Namenba licks humans body to deprive its energy with using her long tongue. Namenba robs Misa’s energy by licking her whole body. Misa lost her whole energy by getting a hard cunnilingus and finally she is died.
-Superwoman Sharan Part-

Misa revived after endowing transformation ability by superhuman Sharan. She goes to the base of Namenba to rescue a woman who are attacked by Namenba. However the woman has been changed to Namenba’s subordinate. She attacks Sharan. Sharan is caught off guard and is defeated. She is crucified and licked her whole body by Namenba and her subordinate to deprive her energy. Does Sharan have a way to turn the tables?

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[Remu Nishio, Urea Sakuraba] [GHKO-17] Masked Female Ninja Pinky Shadow – 2016/12/23

Starring: Remu Nishio, Ko Asumi, Urea Sakuraba, Yukina Matsuura

Video Director: Hanamichi

JAV Video ID: GHKO-17

Release Date: 2016/12/23

Total Duration: 120 min

This is a story set in the present day. A new religion named “Inma Party” which asks young women to join the party, become a popular topic. The new religion officially propagates “Happiness world and women’s pleasure” but their true color is a female ninja party that brainwashes persuaded women to become female ninjas and pursue pleasure each other. Moreover, Inma Party starts attacking young women without hesitation to strengthen their party. A justice female ninja named “Pinky Shadow” suddenly appear there. She is a descendant of “Touei Family,” a famous ninja family. She bravely fights with evil Inma Party. Is Pinky Shadow able to destroy the evil organization? What will happen to her next…[BAD END]

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[Miyu Kanade, Urea Sakuraba] [TGGP-80] Divine Beast Force Beast Ranger Targeted Beast Yellow – 2016/11/11

Starring: Miyu Kanade, Urea Sakuraba

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: TGGP-80

Release Date: 2016/11/11

Total Duration: 90 min

Beast Ranger has hardly battled with an evil organization Asura. Asura sends three battle gods to defeat Beast Ranger, specially target at its leader Rinka Kizaki/Beast Yellow. First, Poison Master Godoke attacks Rinka. Beast Yellow is poisoned by a frog, lizard, centipede, snake, and scorpion but manages to defeat Godoke. Next, Vacuum Master Jerinki’s tentacle winds Beast Yellow. Jerinki finds out that the source of Beast Ranger’s power is one mixed spirit and strength, so he tries to deprive Rinka’s spirit and strength. jerinki also attacks her with lesbian play to deprives Rinka’s energy. After Rinka defeats Jerinki, the final enemy Speed Master Winga appears before her. Winga tortures Beast Yellow with overwhelming speed and tears her enforced suit to rape her exhausted body.

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[Aya Miyazaki, Urea Sakuraba] [GHKO-03] Queen Decker The Trap of Hypnosis Insult – 2016/10/28

Starring: Aya Miyazaki, Urea Sakuraba

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: GHKO-03

Release Date: 2016/10/28

Total Duration: 90 min

Queen Decker Mermaid and Pegasus has battled with evil organization Hydra. One day, Pegasus helps a man but he was Ingun, a member of Hydra, a hypnotist. Pegasus is hypnotized by Ingun. She returns to the base to attack and rape Mermaid. Pegasus thinks that is caused by Ingun’s hypnotism, so she tries to capture him, but she is captured contrary. Mermaid goes to rescue Pegasus but she is also tortured and hypnotized. Ingun and Dokusai, a cadre of Hydra, enjoy manipulating Mermaid and Pegasus. Mermaid is raped and her sensitivity becomes higher and higher. Mermaid feels an enormous pleasure and her mind gradually crashes down before Pegasus.

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