[Urea Sakuraba, Suzuka Mimori] [GHPM-74] Black Magic Girl Fighter Meisa Kurono – 2015/12/25

Starring: Arare Nishiguchi, Urea Sakuraba, Suzuka Mimori

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: GHPM-74

Release Date: 2015/12/25

Total Duration: 105 min

Meisa Kurono beats the monster which attacks Kasumi Tagami by using black magic. Then Meisa transfers to Kasumi’s school and makes friends with Kasumi and Miyuki Kuramoto who is Kasumi’s friend. But Kasumi is killed by her homeroom teacher Kuboki. Kuboki’s real character is monster. Meisa notices the fact that Kuboki is a monster, so Meisa tells Miyuki to keep away from Kuboki. But Miyuki tries to avenge to Kuboki because Kasumi was her lover. Miyuki is captured by Kuboki. Meisa tries to rescue Miyuki, but she is also captured and tortured. When Meisa is almost strangled by Kuboki, Miyuki saves Meisa. Miyuki kisses and caress to unconscious Meisa. Meisa awakes and tells Miyuki to stop her act, but Miyuki demands Meisa’s body moreover. When Meisa gets angry about her behavior, Miyuki changes her figure to the monster. Miyuki tries to sacrifice Meisa to open the gate to the hell. Meisa is manipulated by Miyuki’s evil eye. Meisa is at death’s door.

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[Yurina Ashina, Suzuka Mimori] [GHPM-52] Devilish Cadre & Female Combatant Lesbian Gang Rape  Perfect Ranger – 2015/10/23

Starring: Yurina Ashina, Urea Sakuraba, Erina Oda, Suzuka Mimori, Hana Aino

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: GHPM-52

Release Date: 2015/10/23

Total Duration: 110 min

Perfect Rangers defeated Bulk, cadre of Satan Cross. And Reika Momojiri (She is a Ranger Pink, the only girl in Perfect Rangers) hopes Satan Cross give up Earth invasion. But contrary to her wish, new female cadre Lilith appears in front of her. Reika furiously tries to attack Lilith by herself because Lilith call her aged woman. But Lilith is much stronger than Reika. Reika is tortured and lose her consciousness and she is caught by Lilith. Lesbian Lilith trifles and assaults Ranger Pink. Reika manages to escape from Lilith but she can’t mention about her assault to other members. So she tries fight out solely. Reika finds that Satan Cross abduct women, so she tries to being abducted as camouflage to rescue them. Reika tries to set them free but at the moment they transform into women combatant. Reika is hold and groped with them. Lilith appears there exultantly. Reika tries to deceive Lilith but actually she is lead into a trap. Lilith trains Reika to become her lesbian slave with women combatants.[BAD END]

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[Yu Shiraishi, Urea Sakuraba] [GHPM-48] Sailor Mermaid – Insulting a Lesbian Heroine at Night – 2015/10/09

Starring: Yu Shiraishi, Urea Sakuraba

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: GHPM-48

Release Date: 2015/10/09

Total Duration: 95 min

Sailor Mermaid/Ayumi Ayukawa and Sailor Silfied/Makoto Igarashi have battled with monsters cooperating each other through reincarnations. They are friends for fight and also lesbian lovers. They quarreled because Makoto tries to rape Ayumi while she is sleeping. Ayumi gets angry and rushes out to the town. There, she is attacked the monster sent by Iguru. Ayumi fights with the monster solely, but she is beaten and captured. Silfied tries to save Mermaid but she is also beaten because Mermaid was in hostage. Iguru rapes only Mermaid while Mermaid and Silfied are losing their consciousness in prison. Mermaid doesn’t want to be seen by Silfied. She tries to keep silent but she finally gasps with rape by Iguru. Silfied awakes and screams to be shown Mermaid is raped by Iguru. Iguru forced Mermaid to blowjob and sex with cowgirl position if she want to stop Silfied will be killed.

CLICK TO GET "GHPM48SailorMermaidInsultingaLesbianHeroineatNight20151009 part 1.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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