[Yuna Honda, コスチューム] [ONH-09] ノスタルジックヒロインPAIN #0009 – 2015/06/26

JAV Video ID: ONH-09

Release Date: 2015/06/26

Total Duration: 48 min






この日もいつものように賞金首を圧倒し弄ぶレミィ。しかしレミィの背後に謎の賞金首が現れ、レミィを強襲する! 虚を突かれたレミィは構える間もなく強烈な攻撃を浴びてしまう。いつもならばその持ち前の絶対的な戦闘力で反撃するのだが、この謎の賞金首の力はレミィの味わった事のないものだった。為す術なくズタボロにされるレミィ。絶対無敵の賞金首ハンターがついに初めての敗北を喫してしまうのだった。




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[Yuna Honda] [JMSZ-52] Black Honey Endless Pinch – 2017/05/26

Starring: Yuna Honda

Video Director: Unatsuki

JAV Video ID: JMSZ-52

Release Date: 2017/05/26

Total Duration: 90 min

Undercover Detective Chloe cracks down on evil organizations. She sneaks into casino or bar where evil organization manage, to get information and kills its wire pullers secretly. One day, she infiltrates a bar and wins a drinking contest with the master. She makes a promise with him to guide the hideout. However the master inserts a mysterious device to her crotch while her unguarded moment. In the hideout, sturdy men wait her. She can normally beat them but then the device into her crotch is operated and…[BAD END]

CLICK TO GET "JMSZ52BlackHoneyEndlessPinch20170526 part 1.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

CLICK TO GET "JMSZ52BlackHoneyEndlessPinch20170526 part 2.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

CLICK TO GET "JMSZ52BlackHoneyEndlessPinch20170526 part 3.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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[Yuna Honda] [TRE-80] Heroine Insult Vol.80 Super Lady vs. Evil Sorceror Corps. – 2015/05/08

Starring: Yuna Honda

Video Director: Minooru

JAV Video ID: TRE-80

Release Date: 2015/05/08

Total Duration: 77 min

The evil sorcerers stand up to defeat Super Lady. One of the sorcerers, Giro, brainwashes professional soldiers against Super Lady. But there is no chance for a soldier to defeat the super heroine, so he himself attacks her. The sorcerer stops her body using magic and shoots out lightening. But Super Lady defeats him thanks to her strong feelings to protect the Earth. Only two sorcerers are left. Ebolver shades his eyes with his hand to read what Super Lady is thinking. Finally, he finds her weakness! After finding out that she is weak against an ore, Ebolver creates the ore using his magic to torture the beautiful girl… Super Lady is heavily damaged and raped. Now, she must defeat the last killer, Rebrome.

CLICK TO GET "TRE80HeroineInsultVol80SuperLadyvsEvilSorcerorCorps20150508 part 1.mkv" FROM FBOOM.ME

CLICK TO GET "TRE80HeroineInsultVol80SuperLadyvsEvilSorcerorCorps20150508 part 2.mkv" FROM FBOOM.ME

CLICK TO GET "TRE80HeroineInsultVol80SuperLadyvsEvilSorcerorCorps20150508 part 3.mkv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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