[Drama, 凌辱] [RHTS-029] Blindfolded Girls Get Harassed and Fucked to Orgasm! Yuri Shinomiya – 2014/03/30

Starring: Yuri Shinomiya, Chigusa Hara

Video Director: Ryuji Hama

JAV Video ID: RHTS-029

Release Date: 2014/03/30

Total Duration: 128 min

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[Nana Usami, Creampie] [XRW-562] 2 Hole Deep Cock Anal Fuck 4 Hours – 2018/09/28

Starring: Megumi Shino, Shizuka Kano, Yui Misaki, Minami Machida, Reina Ishida, Nana Usami, Ai Mizushima, Yuri Shinomiya, Mikuru Asahina, Marie Konishi

JAV Video ID: XRW-562

Release Date: 2018/09/28

Total Duration: 240 min

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[女戦士, Tomomi Motozawa] [NFDM-315] Piss Teacher The Hazing Of A Teacher Who Transferred To A Girls' School – 2013/12/05

Starring: Yuki Natsume, Yuri Shinomiya, Tomomi Motozawa, Nanase Otoha

JAV Video ID: NFDM-315

Release Date: 2013/12/05

Total Duration: 87 min

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[森下くるみ, 小澤マリア] [DDT-476] TOHJIRO: The Complete Works Vol. 1: Deep Throat – 2014/12/12

Video Director: TOHJIRO

JAV Video ID: DDT-476

Release Date: 2014/12/12

Total Duration: 260 min

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[Yuri Shinomiya] [GHKO-90] Sailor Heroine Brainwash – 2017/06/23

Starring: Yuri Shinomiya

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GHKO-90

Release Date: 2017/06/23

Total Duration: 105 min

Justice Fighter Sailor Grace fights with the evils, and Tuxedo Fighter always smartly appears to rescue her from the crisis. Death Bayer who plots domination of the world, proceeds a plan to defeat Tuxedo Fighter first. His plan is that he tries to catch Sailor Grace in a trap and brainwashed her before Tuxedo Fighter notices it. A fake Tuxedo Fighter appears before Sailor Grace. She is caught in the trap easily and gradually feels distrust on real Tuxedo Fighter. Is Sailor Grace able to overcome opponent’s brainwash scheme?

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[Yuri Shinomiya] [GHKO-75] Gross Otaku Gathering Heroine’s Body Odor and Fluid -We are followers of Sailor Aquos- – 2017/05/12

Starring: Yuri Shinomiya

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GHKO-75

Release Date: 2017/05/12

Total Duration: 125 min

Two teachers Kagari and Murakami are enthusiastic fan of justice superheroine “Sailor Aquos.” One day they accidentally know the secret identity of Sailor Aquos. They proceed a plan to own Sailor Aquos. Sailor Aquos is captured by them. Kagari and Murakami record Sailor Aquos’ shameful pose while she is losing her consciousness. They use it to threaten her. Sailor Aquos desperately stands their obscene act. However she can’t stand their act anymore and tries to counterattack them but they threaten her with more vicious evidence!

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CLICK TO GET "GHKO75GrossOtakuGatheringHeroinesBodyOdorandFluidWearefollowersofSailorAquos20170512 part 2.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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[Yuri Shinomiya] [GHOR-17] New Star Unit Ryuseiger Support Member Insult -Rio Himenogi’s Deadly Preparation- – 2016/04/08

Starring: Yuri Shinomiya

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GHOR-17

Release Date: 2016/04/08

Total Duration: 75 min

Rio Himenogi is a girl who was saved by Ryuseigers when she was attacked by combatants of Black Hole. She works with Ryuseigers since then. Rio can’t fight like Ryuseigers but supports them as a pilot of their spaceship. One day, Ryuseigers land to the Planet and are attacked by evil Black Hole. They have a crisis by Black Hole’s attack with their new weapon. But for Rio, Black Hole’s new weapon “Anti Ryuseiger Pulse” is pointless, so she tries to fight with Black Hole solely. She has a severe fight because she doesn’t have enough battle ability like Ryuseigers. Can Rio save Ryuseigers?

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CLICK TO GET "GHOR17NewStarUnitRyuseigerSupportMemberInsultRioHimenogisDeadlyPreparation20160408 part 2.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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[Haruka Oomi, Yuri Shinomiya] [TGGP-70] Sailor Fighter Tickling Insult Torture – 2015/11/13

Starring: Yuri Shinomiya, Haruka Oomi

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: TGGP-70

Release Date: 2015/11/13

Total Duration: 140 min

Sailor Sylpheed is missing. Her last word was “I find a new monster”. Sailor Mermaid searches Sylpheed and finds her, but Ryakuou who is the king of Rekima tribe and his combatants appear there. Mermaid tries to battle with them but suddenly Sylpheed holds Mermaid. Sylpheed has become subordinate of Ryakuou since she gave in his tickling torture. Mermaid tries to beat Ryakuou to awake Sylpheed’s mind but she is captured by tickling attack of Rekima tribe. Sylpheed transforms into female monster “Tickriss” and tortures Mermaid by tickling. Mermaid loses her consciousness by their torture. She is also forced oral sex by Ryakuou with violent tickling torture. Mermaid becomes very sensitive over her whole body before long. Ryakuou quits his fuck before Mermaid reaches orgasm to keep her in an uneasy state and tickle her repeatedly. Finally, Mermaid appeals to Ryakuou to make her reach orgasm. Ryakuou accept her wish and rape her again. But her body already not satisfied with normal sex. She screams “tickle me ! ”

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[Rina Yoshiguchi, Akemi Horiuchi] [TLTD-65] Heroine Wetting her Panty Omnibus – 2014/08/01

Starring: Yuri Shinomiya, Akemi Horiuchi, Rina Yoshiguchi, Tsugumi Muto

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: TLTD-65

Release Date: 2014/08/01

Total Duration: 99 min

[Sailor Aqous] Sailor Aquos saves a man from getting beaten. But at that moment, someone sneaks up on her and Sailor Aquos loses consciousness… When she wakes up, she finds herself getting tied up from the ceiling… Soon she finds out that this was all set up by the two men. After they use a vibrator on her vagina, she starts acting weird… [Force Ranger] Yellow has been walking for hours, but she couldn’t reach her destination. She feels the urge to use the restroom, but she couldn’t find it anywhere near. Then enters a factory to ask if she can use their restroom… But no one answers… She decides to use it without their permission. But the door is locked and she finally wets her panty. While she worries about what to do with the mess, she hears someone washing his or her hands from inside the restroom. Yellow tries to act as if nothing has happened, but… [Super Lady] Super Lady defeats the monster with just a punch in the face! But someone throws something at her… She catches the object but it is the terrarium ore, Super Lady’s one and only weakness! She loses consciousness and gets captured by the villain… The monster notices something wrong about her lower stomach… He concentrates on attacking her there and… [Sparklady Beagle] Sparklady Beagle is crucified by the monsters… Mysterious men surround her… Beagle asks them to save her but… They now play around with her titties and pussy… Beagle can no longer hold it in… The men make her drink her own…

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[Sayo Arimoto, Yuri Shinomiya] [GIRO-06] Sailor Aquos – Sex Slave Project – 2014/10/10

Starring: Yuri Shinomiya, Sayo Arimoto

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GIRO-06

Release Date: 2014/10/10

Total Duration: 139 min

Someone is plotting something against Sailor Aquos… One day, Sailor Aquos hears a shriek and heads to the scene. She finds a man getting threatened with a gun. Sailor Aquos tries to stop him but gets tricked by the men. Sailor Aquos tries to tear herself away from the men but they show a centipede, which she abhors the most… She finally loses consciousness and gets taken to a quiet factory. The men questions her, if anyone has ever touched her pussy. She glares fierce at the men for asking such rude question. But now they beginning sniffing… Sailor Aquos tries to be patient but when they show her the centipede, she cannot stand it any more and wets herself. The men take pictures of her disgraceful behavior and laugh at her… Sailor Aquos’ transformation gets dispelled. She tries to hide her face but the men tell her about a shocking secret… The men have taken her school identification card and threaten her they that they will send the pictures of her to a publishing company… A different day, Sailor Aquous is called by the two… Her secret is exposed by the men. Her family and friends now know about her secrets. Sailor Aquos loses her virginity and…

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