[Izumi Asato, Mai Miori] [GHKO-05] Justice Low-Ranking Fighter Torture Hell – 2016/10/28

Starring: Mai Miori, Hitomi Maisaka, Izumi Asato, Yui Misaki, Ririko Otonagi

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GHKO-05

Release Date: 2016/10/28

Total Duration: 75 min

When Sector Five are out, evil organization attacks Sector Five’s base. Guard Women who are general fighters and not have good ability for battle, have to defense their base. However opponent monsters are strong, therefore Guard Women are beaten one after another. They are shoot, cut, punched, burned, tormented and finally killed relentlessly. Are they able to protect their base until Sector Five return there?

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[Miori Hara, Hitomi Maisaka] [JMSZ-42] Holy Goddess Fighter Saint Cheer -A Childhood Friend is Super Heroine- – 2016/08/26

Starring: Miori Hara, Hitomi Maisaka

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: JMSZ-42

Release Date: 2016/08/26

Total Duration: 80 min

Sakura Kidoumaru is a childhood friend of mine. She has a big secret that I don’t know. Sakura was chosen by Goddess Victoria as Holy Goddess Fighter Saint Cheer/Cheer Blossom to fight with devils. One day, Sakura is in a serious crisis. A devil notices that I and Sakura/Saint Cheer have close relationship so he takes me as a hostage to decoy her. Cheer Blossom can’t resist the devil and she is sealed her power. I am transformed into a monster by the devil to attack her. She can’t injure me so she is…[HAPPY END]

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CLICK TO GET "JMSZ42HolyGoddessFighterSaintCheerAChildhoodFriendisSuperHeroine20160826 part 2.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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[Hitomi Maisaka, Miori Hara] [GHOR-08] Heroine Cutie Battle Pink Feather VS Evil Lady – 2016/03/11

Starring: Hitomi Maisaka, Miori Hara

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GHOR-08

Release Date: 2016/03/11

Total Duration: 95 min

Pink Feather is an idol wrestler and Evil Lady is a heel in the underground pro wrestling world. They fights every day with conceiving each spirit. One day, notorious Jackal ”undertaker of destruction in hell” and Chaos Brake “wild boy of mat” appear before Pink Feather standing up on the ring. The two are staring Pink Feather smiling obscenely. The match will be started soon but her partner Panther Lady doesn’t appear. Panther Lady has already excluded by Jackal and Chaos Brake. The match begins without Pink Feather as the one on two match. Pink Feather is tormented by Jackal and Chaos Brake because of her disadvantage situation. Chaos Brake reaches Pink Feather’s mask. “No, please don’t take off my mask… ” Her mask is gradually taking off. Then Evil Lady appears before Pink Feather!!

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CLICK TO GET "GHOR08HeroineCutieBattlePinkFeatherVSEvilLady20160311 part 2.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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[Hitomi Maisaka, Rina Utimura] [JMSZ-29] Targeted Super Heroine -Tragic Fate Awaited Shuriff Pink- – 2015/12/25

Starring: Rina Utimura, Hitomi Maisaka

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: JMSZ-29

Release Date: 2015/12/25

Total Duration: 95 min

Sheriff Pink, she is a Super Heroine to protect the Galaxy. She captures many criminals and send them to the space prison. But one selfish man charges her destiny. There are many brutal criminals and outrageous brother who have bear the grudge against her. They drive her into a corner with the selfish man’s help. Sheriff Pink is tortured by outrageous brother. And Sheriff Pink loses her pride as a Sheriff by outrageous brother…[BAD END]

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[Hitomi Maisaka] [GGTB-25] Heroine Cunnilingus Torture The Fighter Of Love And Peace Aphrodite – 2015/11/27

Starring: Hitomi Maisaka

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GGTB-25

Release Date: 2015/11/27

Total Duration: 95 min

Haruka Saionji, she is The Fighter of Love and Peace Aphrodite, hears the rumor about odd man is planning something bad things. She goes to the place that a freak appears…
There, a mumbling man passes her the box with ribbon. It is the present from him. She opens the box. There is man’s used object inside it. Haruka notices that he is a stalker for her. She feels fear about him. Then some freaks appear there. She transforms into Aphrodite and battles with them. Freaks capture the stalker as a hostage and threaten Aphrodite to throw her weapons away. She gets confused, because the hostage is a stalker for her. But then…
Aphrodite is captured and assaulted as an experiment on human beings by freaks. And they notice that the Aphrodite is a holy virgin that they are looking for…[BAD END]

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CLICK TO GET "GGTB25HeroineCunnilingusTortureTheFighterOfLoveAndPeaceAphrodite20151127 part 2.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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[Hitomi Maisaka, Yui Misaki] [GHPM-38] Heroine 4 Short Episode – Sexy Mask, Fontaine, Sailor Forte (Full Episodes or Partial) – 2015/09/25

Starring: Yui Misaki, Miori Hara, Hitomi Maisaka

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GHPM-38

Release Date: 2015/09/25

Total Duration: 85 min

[Sexy Mask] Sexy Mask fights against the atrocious teachers to secure peace.
And some unfamiliar men appear… Something is seriously wrong with them.
Just then, a pain strikes her stomach. They can attack way faster than she
can dodge them. Sexy Mask notices something. These men are not human
beings… Overwhelming power… Sexy Mask gives up all hope… [Sailor
Forte] Sexy Mask is somewhat fighting against a monster… But soon the
situation becomes unfavorable… Then Sailor Forte appears to save her! She
fights together with the naked heroine to defeat the monster but…
[Fontaine] Fontaine has been fighting against Diavil for a while. Diavil
loughs boisterously! A hostage is brought before Fontaine. ‘If you make a
stand against me, you know what will happen to this girl!’ threatens
Diavil. Fontaine hands the magical stick to the monster and gets tortured.
But the hostage is… [Insult] Sailor Forte falls before Fontaine. And
Diavil and Devilsimon appears… The two monsters decided to cooperate with
each other to defeat the heroines! And a different person stands behind the
two monsters. It is Sexy Mask!!! Fontaine is confused. Sailor Forte feels
hostile toward the naked heroine. Why is Sexy Mask doing this!? What will
happen to the girls!?[BAD END]

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CLICK TO GET "GHPM38Heroine4ShortEpisodeSexyMaskFontaineSailorForteFullEpisodesorPartial20150925 part 2.wmv" FROM FBOOM.ME

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