[Urea Sakuraba, Miori Hara] [TBB-76] Heroine Suppression Vol.76 – 2016/09/09

Starring: Haruka Oomi, Urea Sakuraba, Miori Hara, Yui Kawagoe

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: TBB-76

Release Date: 2016/09/09

Total Duration: 60 min

Four girls, Haruka, Urea, Miori, and Yui fights with devils who harm people. They have been sealed many devils as high school girl agents. However that day is unusual. A high school girl agent is disappear one after another. A captured girl is toyed and suffered her life by devils…[BAD END]

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[Asuka Oda, Urea Sakuraba] [ZEOD-19] White Dress Fighter Ultimate Angel – 2016/07/22

Starring: Asuka Oda, Kaori Minami, Urea Sakuraba

Video Director: Sosuke Higashimura

JAV Video ID: ZEOD-19

Release Date: 2016/07/22

Total Duration: 70 min

Shigeru Tozaki created virus which transform human into demon with react negative mind such as hate. Mai Tendo transforms into Ultimate Angel and tries to return human who changed to demon. Tozaki abducts Mai’s sister Sae to beat Mai. He also become a devil King Vermin and tortures irresistible Mai. However Sae transforms like Mai and beats King Vermin. It seems like a peace is coming but Tozaki creates his successor Dark Vermin before he died. Dark Vermin attacks Mai. All Mai’s attack doesn’t work on him. Dark Vermin injects strong virus to Mai to change her of demon with using her hate feeling for him. Dark Vermin violently tortures Mai and Sae. What will happen to Tendo sisters next!?

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[Urea Sakuraba, Miduna Wakatsuki] [SHK-13] Heroine Bondage Androcross – 2016/07/08

Starring: Miduna Wakatsuki, Urea Sakuraba

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: SHK-13

Release Date: 2016/07/08

Total Duration: 110 min

Space investigator Androcross usually spends as Mitsuki Saotome to hide her real character. However atrocious space crime monster Kumonger noticed Mitsuki is Androcross and attacks her. Mitsuki says she is not Androcross, but Kumonger doesn’t hear her opinion. Kumonger tortures, faints, and takes her to the base. Mitsuki is crucified there and accused with whipping and caress by female combatants but she has denied and lose her consciousness. When combatants are off their guard, she transforms into Androcross but she is bit by the spider which was set in by Kumonger before her transformation. Her body becomes numb. Kumonger’s subordinates torture her with rope to confess her secret information that the location of space prison.

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[Urea Sakuraba, Makoto Takeuchi] [GHOR-52] Sailor Heroine Tickling Insult Torture – 2016/06/24

Starring: Makoto Takeuchi, Urea Sakuraba

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GHOR-52

Release Date: 2016/06/24

Total Duration: 105 min

Sailor Mermaid came to find Sailor Sylpheed. Then Rekimar tribe appears and battle begin. They attacks Sailor Mermaid with tickling. Sailor Mermaid beats them desperately bearing their tickling attacks. Finally, opponent’s evil cadre Kusugular is left. At the moment, one soldier appears to join Rekimar tribe. Sailor Mermaid is shocked to see her. The soldier was a Sailor Sylpheed who descended into evil. The hell for Sailor Mermaid is started.

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[Niko Ayuna, Urea Sakuraba] [JMSZ-38] Sailor Angel Fallen to Evil Costume – 2016/06/24

Starring: Niko Ayuna, Urea Sakuraba

Video Director: Toru Sakata

JAV Video ID: JMSZ-38

Release Date: 2016/06/24

Total Duration: 85 min

Aqua beautiful fighter Sailor Angel goes into the maze, a base of evil to beat “Youmaou,” incarnation of evil. There are many strong monsters in there. Sailor Angel’s boots are melted by strong acid spat by a monster but she manages to beat the monster. She goes barefoot on a bad road in the maze and finds “witch’s black boots ” in a treasure box. It is evil but there is no other choice, so she puts on it. Then she meets the strongest female monster who can control fire. She has a hard fight with the monster who uses voodoo doll. Her Sailor Suit is burned by the opponent’s fire. Besides tentacle monster attacks her. Sailor Angel is bound and insulted with tentacles. She feels orgasm over and over again then her black boots starts shining mysteriously and Sailor Angel gets fully recovered. She increase her power and beats the tentacle monster. Sailor Angel wears evil costumes unexpectedly one by one after every battle in the maze. When she meets Youmaou, she says automatically “I swear allegiance and devote my mind and body to you” and has heavy sex. She feels sexual pleasure and evil soul take over Sailor Angel…[BAD END]

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[Miki Sunohara, Urea Sakuraba] [GTRL-31] Spandexer Moon Angel Hold the Fighter of Love – 2016/06/10

Starring: Miki Sunohara, Urea Sakuraba

Video Director: Tadayuki Hasegawa

JAV Video ID: GTRL-31

Release Date: 2016/06/10

Total Duration: 90 min

Gerhart started invading the Earth. Spandexer Moon Angel tries to prevent his attack. Moon Angel beats combatants with her overwhelming strong power but two soldier Zoru and Zora appears before her. Spandexer Moon Angel tries to beat them but they can’t accept any her attacks. She is overpowered by them and is put strange collar on her neck.
Moon Angel run away with dishonor because she is thoroughly sealed her power. Is Moon Angel able to destroy her old enemy Gerhart…? [HAPPY END]

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[Kiyoka Taira, Urea Sakuraba] [MEBO-02] All characters are men but they are played by actresses -Ninja Special Investigative Unit Bird Men- – 2016/05/27

Starring: Kotori Ayase, Urea Sakuraba, Kiyoka Taira, Erina Oda, Rika Yabuki

Video Director: Shige Kawamori

JAV Video ID: MEBO-02

Release Date: 2016/05/27

Total Duration: 85 min

Bird One/Ren Hasumi and Bird Two/Ryo Takasaki are the member of Ninja Special Investigative Unit Bird Men. They has battled with evil organization Gyaranger and sneak into the town where Gyaranger operate their activity. However Bird two is captured and tortured by Lindvulm, a cadre of Gyaranger. Bird Two is rescued by Bird One and then Bird two desires Yu’s sleeping face and tries to attack her. Ren is forced to ejaculated to Ryo’s mouse and he rush out from hideout and beats Gyaranger’s combatant from her irritation. Then Lindvulm appears with an against bird energy gun which was created by analysis of deprived energy from Bird Two when he was captured. He shoots Bird One with the gun and captures him. Lindvulm tortures and rapes Bird One because he is a homosexual. What is happen to Bird One next?

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[Urea Sakuraba, Miho Tono] [JMSZ-37] Princess Fighter Pure Blazer03 Love Princess Fighter Heart Blazer – 2016/05/13

Starring: Miho Tono, Urea Sakuraba

Video Director: Toru Sakata

JAV Video ID: JMSZ-37

Release Date: 2016/05/13

Total Duration: 100 min

Evil Mara tribe has approached Love Princess Fighter Heart Blazer/Yuki Momozono. An enemy is an strong evil Sailor Fighter named Masera. Masera and her female monster subordinate Deathrorence suffers Heart Blazer. Heart Blazer shows tortured expression by their lesbian torture. Dager, a cadre of Mara Tribe, is also excited by Heart Blazer’s suffered expression and rapes her. She is ejaculated internally and killed by a monster. Heart Blazer’s Dead body is leaved cruelly…[BAD END]

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[Urea Sakuraba, Kokona Hakutou] [ZEOD-11] Sexual Dynamite Heroine 18 Sailor Ninja – 2016/03/11

Starring: Kokona Hakutou, Urea Sakuraba, Naoko Osako

Video Director: Sosuke Higashimura

JAV Video ID: ZEOD-11

Release Date: 2016/03/11

Total Duration: 65 min

Sailor Ninja Aoi and Miya has battled with evil Ninjya Party Kyoma. One day Kyoma family is defeated by Female Vampire Camyura. Then Camyura plans to control Sailor Ninja. She orders head of Kyoma to be caught Aoi and Miya in the trap. Camyura sucks Miya’s blood and make her servant. She also sucks Aoi’s blood but Aoi doesn’t become Vampire. Camyura orders Miya to kill Aoi but Miya sets Aoi free because Miya still has a slight of reason. Aoi sneaks into the base of Kyoma family again. However, Camyura was waiting her with evil plots. Can Aoi beat Camyura and rescue Miya?

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[Shiho Egami, Urea Sakuraba] [ZEOD-08] Sexual Dynamite Heroine 17 Glamourous Angel – 2016/01/08

Starring: Shiho Egami, Urea Sakuraba, Sachiko

Video Director: Sosuke Higashimura

JAV Video ID: ZEOD-08

Release Date: 2016/01/08

Total Duration: 60 min

Serena works in Japan as SP for training to be a leader of the guards at Amazonian Kingdom. When accident is happened, she transforms into Glamourous Angel to battle with evils. When she guards Mio, queen of Grandine Kingdom as SP, monster Zeon and his subordinates appear. Serena notices that Zeon’s target is not Mio but myself. So, Serena let Mio leave and transforms into Glamourous Angel to fight with monsters. However, Zeon takes Mio as a hostage. Serena is also captured by Zeon. She is demanded the location of Amazonian Kingdom but she is endure their torture. At the moment, Mio appears in front of Serena as her real character evil witch. Moreover, Giant female soldier Glamourous Titan who has banished from Amazonian Kingdom appears as a third tormentor before Serena. Is Glamourous Angel able to get out of crisis and fights back to them?

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